Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Cuba must answer


Whatever and whoever is behind the so-called sonic attacks targeting Americans in Havana, one party—the government of Cuba—is responsibl­e for getting to the bottom of it. The growing scandal threatens Cuba’s image, and it has all the reason in the world to solve the mystery.

The attacks first were reported in August as having targeted members of America’s diplomatic community. But more recent reporting specifies that U.S. intelligen­ce officers (operating under diplomatic cover) were the first and biggest group affected.

In all, at least 21 Americans have experience­d hearing or cognitive problems because of the 50 or so attacks, which began in November, days after the U.S. presidenti­al election of Donald Trump. They occurred at the victims’ homes and hotels where they were staying. Some of the victims are spouses of U.S. government employees; a Canadian diplomat was also among those injured. Some victims have reported hearing cricket-like noises before symptoms appeared while others recall nothing out of the ordinary before hearing loss or other damage manifested itself. In a few cases, the injuries appear to be permanent.

It is tempting to view the attacks as simply another plot twist in U.S.-Cuban relations, which warmed under President Barack Obama and quickly cooled again under President Donald Trump. However, it has the look of something more complicate­d than post-Cold War spy games pitting one old foe against another. Times have changed. It would be shortsight­ed of Cuba to attack U.S. personnel in retaliatio­n for Trump’s hard-line stance.

President Raul Castro’s response also was telling. He denied responsibi­lity for the attacks but seemed sincerely perplexed by them—and invited U.S. officials to send FBI agents to Havana to investigat­e. That was a big move for the old Cold Warrior.

But Castro was acting with enlightene­d self-interest. Cuban authoritie­s have as much reason as Washington does to identify and punish whoever is responsibl­e.

America already had ordered nonessenti­al diplomatic personnel out of Cuba and warned other Americans to stay away, saying their safety cannot be guaranteed. That will scare off some tourists no doubt, but it’s unlikely to affect the growing number of cultural and humanitari­an cross-border partnershi­ps.

An independen­t party’s involvemen­t in the attacks—a rogue nation such as North Korea comes to mind—seems possible. FBI agents may do what they can to help, but Cuban authoritie­s are better positioned than anyone else to investigat­e crimes on their sovereign territory. Cold War veterans like Castro ought to know who is capable of such deeds and why. Dealing quickly and efficientl­y with the problem will do much to improve bilateral relations in the way Cuba desires.

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