Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Down at the carnival


Let’s face it. No one is better at inflaming resentment and division than the Apprentice president. He did it brilliantl­y with reporters. He does it with “overpriced sports figures” paid more than you ever will be.

Yes, the First Amendment is important. Yes, the flag is an important symbol that men have died to defend, but this newest con isn’t really about these principles, except on the surface. What the show is really about is Donald Trump; everything is always about Donald Trump, who over and over pulls this classic misdirecti­on sleight-of-hand trick to distract us and provide us our daily satisfying bowl of bile. And we fall for it every time.

The crime here is that significan­t issues need to be dealt with. We do not have time for this daily shallow show. Donald Trump wins because we don’t keep our eyes on the ball, a fatal failure.

Ignore the flim-flam man. Don’t rise to the bait. I know it’s hard to ignore a clown putting on a show. It is almost impossible to not watch, but for the sake of the country that we profess to love, let’s not speak his name for 24 hours and ignore his inevitable next rant tomorrow. Who knows? It may become a habit.

Let’s put this into the proper perspectiv­e of a carnival sideshow huckster suckering you to put down your money to see the bearded lady.



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