Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- HELOISE Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio,Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR HELOISE: Homework on the weekend? My son used to complain, but we’ve come up with some hints that have helped us all through the week:

I check my student’s homework every day — not to nag, but to see what he’s learning. A big research paper can be broken down into smaller sections. I talk with my kiddo if he’s anxious about writing a paper. Stress can be lessened. A schedule is critical. My child needs 30 minutes when he comes home to relax, and then he works on homework until dinnertime. Your kids may perform differentl­y.

It’s fine if my child doesn’t complete everything perfectly. Mistakes are allowed. A lot of times, that’s how you grow. This will let the teacher know what areas he needs help with.

— Ann D. in Ohio

DEAR HELOISE: I tried to clean my shower/tub. Nothing worked, except you know what! I put some baking soda in the tub with vinegar for the tough spots, and oh, what a clean and shiny place now to take a bath.

— Great Grandmothe­r,

Texarkana, Texas P.S. I also now keep a spray bottle of white vinegar for spraying into the water that collects under potted plants and in puddles. Kills mosquito larvae, as you know.

DEAR READER: You’ve mastered cleaning cheaply.

DEAR HELOISE: I like to have a supply of certain items on hand, like bathroom tissue and paper towels, but some things are just not smart to stockpile: perfumes and scented lotions, mainly.

These can degrade over time, and if I can’t use them right away, there’s no “scents” in hoarding them. Plus, they take up valuable shelf space.

— Kim H. in Chicago

DEAR HELOISE: My vet said my dog either needs to burn off some energy or he’s bored, and that’s why he may chase his tail.

But if he catches it and chews on it, that could be a sign of skin irritation. A tail inspection is in order, and possibly a visit to the vet.

— Alex E. in Kansas

DEAR HELOISE: My sister-in-law installed towel bars in each of her guest bedrooms. Behind the door usually is a convenient place.

The bars encourage her guests to reuse their towels (save some water), and they keep the bathroom a lot tidier.

— Pat H., via email

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