Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Berries easy crop with sweet results


Does a fresh-picked raspberry taste better early in the morning, when it’s still cool from the night air, or at noon, after it has been warmed by the sun?

That’s debatable. But there’s no argument that few foods are as delectable as raspberrie­s picked at their peak of ripeness, when they’re so fragile that they can’t be shipped in good condition farther than arm’s length.

Blackberri­es, currants and gooseberri­es are equally delectable, and they’re all borne on plants compact enough to grow and look at home in the vegetable or flower garden.

Blueberrie­s are handsome landscape plants — the highbush varieties as stand-alone shrubs, the lowbush as creeping ground cover plants.

In addition to having delicious and diverse flavors, berries are remarkably easy to grow. Pest problems are rare if the plants have a good site and regular pruning.

Blackberri­es and raspberrie­s, collective­ly called bramble fruits, grow best bathing in full sunlight. The same goes for blueberrie­s.

Currants and gooseberri­es are among the few fruits that bear well even in some shade.

All these berries are comfortabl­e in a variety of soils, but they do like their roots kept cool and moist beneath a permanent mulch of wood chips, leaves, straw or other organic material.

Pruning berries is straightfo­rward. Bramble roots are perennial, but individual canes live for only two years, so an obvious first step in pruning is to cut away, in late winter, any 2-year-old canes. Because brambles grow so exuberantl­y, they could quickly create a dank jungle, so winter pruning also entails removing enough young canes that the plants grow in a swathe no wider than a foot, with about 6 inches between canes.

Some people keep their brambles in clumps rather than rows, in which case you reduce each clump to the best half-dozen young canes.

Blackberri­es and black raspberrie­s bear fruit on side branches, so they need two more pruning steps. Increase side-branching in summer by pinching out the tip of any young cane when it is 3 feet high. In winter, shorten each of those side branches to about 18 inches long.

Gooseberri­es and currants bear fruits mostly on 2-yearold and 3-year-old stems, so grow them as bushes with young stems constantly replacing older stems that you eventually prune away. All that’s needed each winter is to cut to the ground any stem older than 3 years old, and to cut away all but a half-dozen or so of the sturdiest, youngest (1-year-old) stems.

If you grow so-called everbearin­g varieties of red, yellow or black raspberrie­s or blackberri­es, you could forgo all the previous pruning steps and just cut the whole planting to the ground each winter. This limits the crop to late summer and fall only, but does bypass possible threats from deer or cold — and it’s easy!

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