Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Islands underwater


Do you know that scientists are predicting that in the future many islands are going to be underwater due to global warming? Global warming is something major that is happening right now and we should do something about it.

It is fact that 2016 was the hottest year on record, and it is predicted it will only get warmer. This will cause the sea levels to rise when the polar icecaps melt. There already is proof that the sea levels are rising around the world. Tangier Island in the Chesapeake Bay is already being swallowed by the sea.

Some people argue that earth has periods where it naturally warms up, and they also point to cold winters to disprove global warming. However, they are dangerousl­y wrong.

Imagine being one of the people living on Tangier Island, having to see the ocean creep up on a house that has been in your family for generation­s. Global warming will not only affect individual families but will also cause bigger natural disasters as well, as animals will go extinct.

I believe global warming is real, and it already is leaving its mark. People can do something about it. Small things like carpooling can help reduce fumes in the ozone. We can also voice our displeasur­e to big companies that do little to reduce their pollution into the world. Do we want to leave our children in a world falling apart, knowing we could have helped prevent it?



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