Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Shut down shutdown talk


Blackmail is a dirty business, even if it’s done for a noble cause. And these days, it’s hard to find a more noble cause than protecting the 700,000 young, undocument­ed immigrants who were brought to the United States as kids.

For them, Sen. Kamala Harris of California has signaled that she’s willing to risk shutting down the federal government. She shouldn’t act on that impulse.

Democrats don’t have a lot of pull in the House, but in the Senate, where bipartisan support is needed to pass a spending bill to fund government agencies, they can withhold votes to get what they want. And so some Democrats have followed suit, demanding that Republican­s pass a bill to protect Dreamers from deportatio­n and create a path to citizenshi­p.

“These are incredible young people who are doing everything we hope and pray will epitomize the American dream,” Harris said on the Senate floor this week.

She’s right. President Donald Trump was wrong to upend the lives of these upstanding young people by phasing out the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Since then, thousands of protesters have marched on Washington, D.C., hoping to pressure Congress to save it. And in California, business and civic leaders this week joined DACA recipients enrolled at Sacramento State in hopes of doing the same.

Congress should act quickly to come up with a deal before the end of the year.

But using blackmail to force legislator­s to act isn’t wise and won’t work. Besides, there’s time to do things the right way. DACA doesn’t expire until March. And shuttering the government would have its consequenc­es.

National parks would close. Passports would not get processed.

For the moment, we’ve been given a reprieve from a shutdown. Last week, the House and Senate cobbled together enough votes for a short-term spending bill. But in two weeks, we could be back to Democrats threatenin­g to withhold their votes for an end-of-the-year spending bill. When the Republican­s led the last government shutdown in an effort to cripple the Affordable Care Act, they took the political hit. In 2017, it’s harder to predict whether voters would be as upset. But the human toll of a shutdown would be severe.

Blackmail is still blackmail. Democrats and Harris should be better than that.

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