Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Most odoriferou­s time


From the moment I spot the first perfume ad until the Christmas clearance sales are through, I am in tears. Literally.

As one of the many Americans who are allergic to scents, this is the worst time of the year. From department stores crammed with scented gift sets to newspapers bearing odor bombs (aka scent-infused ads), the assault on our overly sensitive senses can be hard to bear, causing symptoms from sniffly noses and tear-filled eyes to nausea, blotchy skin, difficulty breathing and even migraines.

And as the scents tend to cling to clothing and hair, the problem often follows me home. In some cases, I’ve had to shower and change clothes to end the allergic reaction.

Cashiers, fellow shoppers and the general public who use perfumes, cologne and even scented body washes have no idea the agony they are causing for the perfume-challenged. I have been forced to change seats and even left events because of someone else’s perfume or cologne. And Sunday I had to stop reading my DemocratGa­zette because the ad inserts triggered an allergic reaction. The whole paper is now in a plastic bag, in the trash. And still the smell lingers by my reading chair as a tear hangs in the corner of my eye.

Please excuse me while I blow my nose. Again.



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