Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Alabama decides


In Tuesday’s special election, Alabama by a narrow margin chose to spare the nation the indignity of seating an accused child molester in the U.S. Senate. Though the stain of electing Republican Roy Moore would have sullied Alabama, seemingly confirming every negative stereotype about the Deep South state, the shame would have been national. Instead, Alabama voters chose Democrat Doug Jones to represent them until 2021.

Jones is not in perfect sync with many Alabama voters on some issues, most notably abortion. But he is an honorable man with an admirable record of public service who ran a respectful campaign. His behavior suggests he will serve with decency and care in the Senate. He should make his state proud.

Americans do not send senators to Washington merely to vote mechanical­ly on a few hot-button issues, but to exercise judgment when cameras are not rolling, on issues that are important but not headline-grabbing. Good lawmakers also protect the nation’s democratic institutio­ns, preserve the independen­ce of their branch of government and work with people with whom they disagree. It takes character to fulfill these responsibi­lities. Jones seems ready to do such work. Moore did not.

Jones’ victory also suggests that the nation’s recent awakening on sexual harassment and assault is spreading across the country. Enough Alabamians believed the women.

If Americans should feel grateful to Alabama voters, so should the Republican Party, much of which debased itself by following President Donald Trump into the gutter of support for Moore. Its majority in the Senate will be slightly narrower, but the dignity of the Senate GOP caucus will be at least partially salvaged. Alabama voters spared the Senate Ethics Committee the dilemma of how to handle a senator who was clearly unfit but who neverthele­ss won a popular election. Instead of inviting controvers­y and chaos, they elected Jones, a man who deserves the honor.

Thanks to Alabama, Americans wake up today with hope for the decency and dignity of their democracy.

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