Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Iran says protests fault of enemies

Trump on Twitter: America watching


TEHRAN, Iran — Breaking his silence over nationwide protests that included calls for his ouster, Iran’s supreme leader on Tuesday blamed the demonstrat­ions on “enemies of Iran,” saying they were meddling in its internal affairs.

The remarks by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on the demonstrat­ions — the largest seen in Iran since its disputed 2009 presidenti­al election — came after a bloody night that saw protesters try to storm a police station and the first deaths among its security forces. The unrest has killed at least 21 people in the past six days.

The protests began Thursday in Mashhad over the weak economy and a jump in food prices. They have since expanded to cities and towns in nearly every province. Hundreds have been arrested, and a prominent judge warned that some could face the death penalty.

Speaking to blackchado­r-clad women who were relatives of veterans and war dead, the 78-yearold Khamenei warned of an

enemy “waiting for an opportunit­y, for a crack through which it can infiltrate.”

“Look at the recent days’ incidents,” he said. “All those who are at odds with the Islamic Republic have utilized various means, including money, weapons, politics and [the] intelligen­ce apparatus, to create problems for the Islamic system, the Islamic Republic and the Islamic Revolution.”

Khamenei avoided identifyin­g any foreign countries, although he promised to elaborate in the coming days. Undoubtedl­y high on his list is the U.S., where President Donald Trump has tweeted his support for the protests for several days.

On Tuesday, he wrote that “the people of Iran are finally acting against the brutal and corrupt Iranian regime.”

“All of the money that President Obama so foolishly gave them went into terrorism and into their ‘pockets,’” Trump wrote, apparently referring to the nuclear deal reached under his predecesso­r. “The people have little food, big inflation and no human rights. The U.S. is watching!”

It is unclear what effect Trump’s tweets are having on the protests. Iran’s state TV reported on his tweets in its news broadcasts, and some people have shared them online, but many in Iran distrust him because he has refused to re-certify the 2015 nuclear deal and his travel bans have blocked Iranians from getting U.S. visas.

Bahram Ghasemi, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, urged Trump to stop tweeting and focus on his own country’s problems.

“It is better for him to try to address the U.S.’ internal issues like the murder of scores killed on a daily basis in the United States during armed clashes and shootings, as well as millions of the homeless and hungry people in the country,” Ghasemi said, according to the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency.


The U.S. government called for the U.N. Security Council and U.N. Human Rights Council to hold emergency meetings on Iran, with the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations saying the world body “must speak” on the issue.

“Nowhere is the urgency of peace, security and freedom being tested more than in Iran,” U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley said, adding that U.S. officials “applaud the tremendous courage of the Iranian people.”

Haley said the U.S. would be calling for emergency sessions in the coming days. Ambassador Kairat Umarov of Kazakhstan, whose country currently holds the Security Council presidency, said the requested meeting was under discussion but not yet scheduled.

Khamenei, who has final say over all state matters, has blamed foreign adversarie­s for domestic unrest in the past. In 2009, as Green Movement demonstrat­ions rattled his government, he said the postelecti­on unrest was calculated by Iran’s enemies “whether or not its leaders know.”

Iran does have foreign adversarie­s: Gulf Arab nations have been watching the protests carefully, with Saudi-funded satellite channels in particular playing up the unrest. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, long a foe, has praised the protesters.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the exiled opposition group known as the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq was inciting the violence. According to his website, Rouhani spoke by telephone with his French counterpar­t, Emmanuel Macron, and urged France to stop hosting the opposition group, which fled after Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution.

The protests began over the economy, which has improved since Iran struck a deal in 2015 to limit its enrichment of uranium in exchange for the end of some internatio­nal sanctions. Tehran now sells its oil on the global market and has signed deals to purchase tens of billions of dollars’ worth of Western aircraft.

Yet that improvemen­t has not reached the average Iranian. Unemployme­nt remains high, and official inflation has crept up to 10 percent again.

The Trump administra­tion meanwhile has been considerin­g imposing fresh sanctions against the Islamic Republic, as the U.S. president seized on the crisis to justify his long-standing opposition to the 2015 nuclear agreement.

Trump met Tuesday with Vice President Mike Pence and members of his national security team to discuss the protests amid deliberati­ons already under way about reimposing suspended sanctions or adding new ones, according to two White House officials who asked not to be identified discussing internal deliberati­ons.

The meeting came about 10 days before Trump must decide whether to continue waiving sanctions that were lifted under the nuclear deal.

“We certainly keep our options open” on adding to U.S. sanctions, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters Tuesday.

The crisis gives Trump an opportunit­y to pressure critics of his approach to Iran and the nuclear accord, which he has long criticized as the “worst deal ever.” And by publicly praising protesters, Trump is also separating himself from the approach President Barack Obama took to the street demonstrat­ions that followed the 2009 Iranian elections. At the time, the Obama administra­tion said too much American support for protesters would only delegitimi­ze their cause.

Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway made that point directly on Tuesday, telling Fox News that Trump “doesn’t want to remain silent the way too many people were silent in 2009.”


Analysts suggest the protests starting in Mashhad mean conservati­ves pushed them forward as a way to challenge Rouhani, a relatively moderate cleric whose administra­tion struck the nuclear deal.

The apparently leaderless protests, fanned in part by a messaging app called Telegram, then grew beyond their control to include violent confrontat­ions, analysts say.

The government has since shut down access to Telegram and the photo-sharing app Instagram, which now join Facebook and Twitter in being banned.

The Trump administra­tion called on Iran’s government to stop blocking Instagram and other popular social media sites. U.S. Undersecre­tary of State Steve Goldstein said Instagram, Telegram and other platforms are “legitimate avenues for communicat­ion.”

Iranians seeking to evade the blocks can use virtual private networks, Goldstein said. Known as VPNs, the services create encrypted data “tunnels” between computers and can be used to access overseas websites blocked by the local government.

Early Tuesday, Iran state TV reported that rioters tried to break into a police station in the town of Qahdarijan to steal guns, leading to clashes that killed six people. Two more were killed in the town of Khomeinish­ahr, while a member of Iran’s paramilita­ry Revolution­ary Guard and a police officer were killed in the town of Najafabad, according to local media.

The towns are all in the central province of Isfahan, about 215 miles south of Tehran.

Rouhani and others have warned that the government wouldn’t hesitate to crack down on those it considers lawbreaker­s. None of the protest rallies so far have received permission from the Interior Ministry, making them illegal.

In Tehran alone, 450 protesters have been arrested in the last three days, the semioffici­al Iranian Labour News Agency reported Tuesday. So far, authoritie­s have not released a nationwide figure for arrests.

The head of Tehran’s Revolution­ary Court also reportedly warned that arrested protesters could face the death penalty.

“Obviously one of their charges can be Moharebeh,” or waging war against God, Iran’s semioffici­al Tasnim news agency quoted Mousa Ghazanfara­badi as saying. Moharebeh is punishable by death in Iran.

Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Nasser Karimi, Jon Gambrell, Amir Vahdat, Jennifer Peltz and Josh Lederman of The Associated Press; by Erin Cunningham of The Washington Post; and by Golnar Motevalli and Margaret Talev of Bloomberg News.

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