Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Senate returns with standoff, new faces


WASHINGTON — There will be two fresh Senate faces and some familiar but stubborn clashes facing lawmakers today as Congress begins its 2018 session staring at the year’s first potential calamity: an election-year government shutdown unless there’s a bipartisan spending pact by Jan. 19.

Looking to prevent a closure of federal agencies, top White House officials plan to meet at the Capitol today with House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and each chamber’s top Democrat.

Their goal is to find a compromise on raising limits on defense and domestic spending that eluded lawmakers before they left Washington for the holidays. In a statement Tuesday, White House spokesman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said President Donald Trump wants a two-year pact “that provides realistic budget caps and provides certainty for our national security,” suggesting he was open to a bargain.

In one complicati­on, Democrats have linked closure on the budget to protecting from deportatio­n hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children.

Parachutin­g into all this is a Democratic duo whose Senate arrivals are extraordin­ary.

Alabama’s Doug Jones narrowly upended Roy Jones, a polarizing Republican, in a special election last month to become the first Senate Democrat in a quarter-century from one of the nation’s reddest states. Minnesota Lt. Gov. Tina Smith will replace Democrat Al Franken, the former TV comedian who was becoming one of his party’s most familiar liberal voices but resigned after a succession of sexual harassment accusation­s. His last day in Congress was Tuesday.

Both new lawmakers will be sworn into office when the Senate gavels into session today. The House is not returning until next week.

The spending battle is at the top of the priority list.

Crunching budget caps imposed by a 2011 fiscal deal will freeze spending for the Pentagon and nondefense Cabinet department­s at last year’s levels unless they’re increased. Republican­s are in control but need Democratic votes to boost the caps, a priority of the GOP and members of both parties who want additional spending for domestic programs like curbing opioid abuse.

Federal agencies will begin closing their doors on Jan. 20 unless there’s a budget pact or an agreement to keep talking. Defense Secretary James Mattis has told lawmakers that the Pentagon needs a full-year budget this month. House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, concurred Tuesday in an interview, saying he was “trying to think of a word that adequately describes how vital” that is.

Even so, opposition is likely among many GOP conservati­ves. Democrats want increases in defense to be matched with nondefense ones.

The statement by the White House’s Sanders called a budget deal “our biggest and number one priority.”

Trump has also rescinded President Barack Obama’s executive order establishi­ng the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program and giving the children of illegal immigrants protected status. Trump gave lawmakers until March to reach a legislativ­e solution and has indicated a willingnes­s to seek a deal with Democrats.

But many Republican­s oppose renewing the protection­s, and Trump has taken a harder line recently. He tweeted Tuesday that Democrats “are doing nothing” on immigratio­n and are “just interested in politics.”

Days earlier, he said there would be no deal without money for the wall along the Mexican border that he touted during his presidenti­al campaign. Democrats have said they’re open to border security financing, not a wall.

McConnell said last month that he’ll bring immigratio­n legislatio­n to a vote if a bipartisan group of senators reach agreement.

Trump, Ryan and McConnell will meet at Camp David this weekend to discuss legislativ­e plans.

Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Matthew Daly, Kevin Freking and Richard Lardner of The Associated Press.

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