Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

The needy presidency


In President Donald Trump’s recent interview with the New York Times, he declared: “Another reason that I’m going to win another four years is because newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if I’m not there. Because without me, their ratings are going down the tubes. Without me, the New York Times will indeed be not the failing New York Times, but the failed New York Times. So they basically have to let me win. And eventually, probably six months before the election, they’ll be loving me because they’re saying, ‘Please, please, don’t lose Donald Trump.’”

On one level, the comment is ludicrous. Despite the frenzied paranoia of the Fox News crowd, the Times doesn’t determine election winners. If it did, he wouldn’t be president.

The comment is also revealing of Trump’s obsession with the media. While decrying “fake news,” he’s intoxicate­d, addicted even, to the attention. No president has been obsessed with TV as Trump is. (He reportedly watches up to eight hours a day.) He runs to the Times to unburden himself on a regular basis, just as he seeks refuge in the comfy environs of Fox News prime-time shows. He seemingly makes pronouncem­ents and decisions based on news coverage, not on his own administra­tion data. While he imagines the news media “needs” him, it is Trump who craves approving coverage and rages at their criticism.

All that said, at some level he must know that without CNN’s nonstop coverage of his rallies and Fox News’ incessant cheerleadi­ng, he never could have dominated the news cycle, deprived nearly 20 GOP opponents of coverage, and won the GOP nomination on a shoestring budget. If he thinks the media can deliver for him again, it is in part because he got such a tremendous boost from the media in 2016. And to the extent that he is allowed a forum in which to babble on without fear of interrupti­on, follow-up questions or contradict­ion, he’s figured out that no other politician would be allowed to get through an interview like the one he gave last Thursday without a scrape.

But alas, his notion that the media will be “nice to him”—a childlike prism by which he judges and personaliz­es all interactio­ns (They love me! Great guys!)—bears no relationsh­ip to reality. He routinely attacks individual members of the press and the First Amendment in general (he rails at the notion the press gets to “write whatever it wants”). He accuses the media of making up sources and refusing to acknowledg­e his supposed greatness. He’s no longer in a symbiotic relationsh­ip in which he gives members of the media ratings and they give him unfettered access to the airwaves.

Trump’s supporters and even some critics accuse the media of being overly aggressive, even adversaria­l. That, however, is precisely the role of a free and independen­t media: to challenge, debunk, reveal and enlighten.

But the notion that the media should balance any negative story with a positive one, or put dishonest spinners on the air to “give his side,” misunderst­ands the press’s role and the notion of balance. Truth, not a false show of balance, is the media’s mission. (Fairness is something else entirely, entailing the obligation to solicit the administra­tion’s side of events, accurately describe its conduct, and find the widest array of sources to provide a complete picture of events.)

The media, as we have learned, has a unique role to play with a president addicted to dissemblin­g. It must preserve the notion of objective reality and continuall­y hold the president accountabl­e. If that seems adversaria­l, it is only because Trump has an adversaria­l relationsh­ip with reality.

Trust in the media now exceeds trust in Trump in many polls. That’s a sign of a healthy media, an alert electorate and trouble for the narcissist-in-chief. He really cannot control what members of the media say, which makes their role as independen­t sources of informatio­n among the most potent threats to his presidency.

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