Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

An alternativ­e reality


Over the course of American history, we have seen “difference­s of opinion” are a normal thing, especially in politics.

What I find of concern for the future of America is the support our current president receives from what looks exactly like a “cult” following. Witness a recent letter, which complained, “Obama didn’t do anything … except play golf, take expensive vacations … and try to take away my guns.” Now, there are a number of things I think President Obama did wrong, or not well enough, or not how I would have preferred he do things. But singling out these as complaints bespeaks a mind so out of touch with reality as to be frightenin­g for America.

The current president—the one who said he’d never leave the White House and would be too busy for golf—has spent 111 days on “vacation” (not counting the days after Christmas when he said “Back to work” and stayed in Florida while playing more golf). His vacation expenses reportedly have already matched Obama’s entire vacation expenses—eight years’ worth of vacation money spent in less than 12 months! But even more distressin­g is that it seems every one of these vacations and golf outings has been to Trump-owned properties. Comparing Obama’s and Trump’s golf and vacation time and getting it 100 percent backwards is not a “difference of opinion.” It is a difference of reality.

Finally, you’ll find Obama took no one’s guns. He did put a rule in that someone found mentally incapable by Social Security should not be able to buy a gun. But our dear leader tossed out even this. Who out there—aside from the NRA and gun companies— thinks it’s a good idea for certified mental cases to be able to buy guns? Apparently the cult following does.

I fear for the future of America. When people choose to believe alternativ­e realities, what will they do when the real world actually intrudes into their fairy tale? American history may be taking a dark turn and I hope it is not the final chapter.



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