Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Gun owner: Our children, not rights, under attack


I am not some left wing radical. I own several guns that I keep under lock and key. I believe in the Second Amendment and I have a concealed carry permit. I only carry a concealed weapon when I travel.

About a year ago I took an old revolver to a gun show in Springdale with the intent of selling it. Upon entry they took a zip tie and secured the handgun so that it could not be used. The people who run those shows know that guns should be controlled. I managed to sell the handgun to a dealer. He took out $150 cash and handed it to me. Since I had purchased the gun many years ago at a pawnshop, I figured it was still registered to me. I asked him for a bill of sale. He scrunched up his face and said, “You want a bill of sale?” I answered, “Yes I do.” Finally, he took out a piece of scrap paper and scribbled some semblance of a bill of sale, which included the gun’s serial number. I still have that document in one of my gun safes. Currently you do not have to register guns you purchase at one of these shows or for that matter, ones you purchase from an individual. All you need is cash.

As I wandered around the gun show I kept seeing lots of AR-15 rifles, the rifle of choice for deranged mass murderers. I looked at some of the individual­s who were shopping for these weapons. I knew there would never be a record of who owned these weapons. In all fairness they may have been fine upstanding people, but some of them gave me the creeps.

I have heard people say, “We have enough gun laws on the books. We just need to enforce the laws we have.” When some sick individual commits one of these horrendous acts and the authoritie­s find an arsenal in his home, people tend to ask, “Where does someone that crazy get all those weapons?” I surely know the answer. Folks, we need to close the gun show loophole and we need to keep assault rifles out of the hands of 18-year-olds. It is just common sense. There are more restrictio­ns on driving a car than there are for purchasing an assault rifle.

We need to quit letting our politician­s, organizati­ons and friends do our thinking for us. Our Second Amendment rights are not under assault. Our children are.



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