Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Notes from president’s hypothetic­al think-tank


President Trump’s Think Tank is constantly working on suggestion­s for statements his supporters might make to project a better image for him. The following are some of their ideas. ■ Talk about how well he dresses, that his clothes are always clean and stylish. He keeps his hair combed and makes a good appearance, and his use of the English language is remarkable. Emphasize the fact that he doesn’t drink alcohol or use drugs, so the fact that he loves fast food and is obese should be overlooked. ■ That many of his tweets should not be taken literally since these are delivered in the early morning hours when any normal person would be sleepy. Name any other president that has published so many amazing tweets. The fact that he may tell a lie every now and then, it is only when national security is at stake, or when he is acting in some of his own business interests. Those who say that he is a compulsive liar should be ashamed of themselves.

■ Those who complain of his many rounds of golf should understand that he is discussing national uses while he is out on the course, and thus these should be considered working vacations. You might also mention his great golf swing and, according to him, his low handicap. It is possible that after his term in office he might turn pro. The people who say he cheats on the golf course are only jealous. Besides, he is the president and shouldn’t be bound by the rules.

■ The president has a nice smile and is very friendly. He can’t help it that women have always been attracted to him, and when he dumps them they make personal attacks against him to get even, or to gain publicity for themselves.

■ Although this idea may be somewhat of a reach, you might compare Trump to Jesus Christ in that both of them drew attacks from many enemies, but this comparison might backfire, so be careful. Those who believe he is being too nice to Putin should realize he is killing him with kindness so that Putin will learn how to love the United States and turn away from his criminal behavior. You might say that there is method to his madness.

■ Finally, brag upon his record of never compromisi­ng; as they say, it’s his way or the highway. He believes compromise only shows weakness. Since he has never been wrong on an issue, why bow down to his detractors? As he has said on many occasions, his intellect is such that he believes that he knows more than the generals, economists and foreign affairs experts, to mention only a few of those with lesser intelligen­ce.

This is the best we could come up with at the time. As you know, it is difficult to put lipstick on a pig. BASS TRUMBO Fayettevil­le

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