Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Compassion or fear


Love is at the root of every human relationsh­ip, or lack thereof when it comes to a conflict. Do we have a president who genuinely loves Americans, all of us? Is the gun culture based upon compassion, or does it promote fear? That’s what the Nazi salute and Swastika flags promote: fear.

White nationalis­m (the idea of white supremacy) is not just in America. It’s happening all over the world. In France, Italy, Spain, the U.K., Russia. Maybe in Canada too? Rump seems to be the perfect vehicle to carry the message of white supremacy. He started his campaign by calling Mexicans rapists and murderers. His slogans “America First” and “Make America Great Again” are rooted in racism. It appears he means white males on top, like it was in the good old days. White supremacis­ts aren’t shy about saying that they believe they have a kindred spirit in the White House. Since the civilized world looks to America for guidance, this is extremely dangerous.

As for me, I’m white and female. No man is better than me. I am not better than someone whose skin color is dark or whose religion or sexual orientatio­n is not mine. Neither are you. We are better only in our behavior: Love ye one another and do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Come on, Christians: The Golden Rule is the basic tenet of the teachings of Jesus. Cut this superiorit­y complex and get with the program. Put simply, play equal and fair, with kindness as your guiding light.

What the whole world needs right now is for Christians to start acting according to the teachings. Put down your sword and gun. You know in your heart what Jesus would and wouldn’t do. He is the leader of the free world. Not the rump.



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