Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- HELOISE Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR READERS: Today’s Sound On is about volunteeri­ng.

DEAR HELOISE: Maybe you’ve heard the expression “Many hands make the workload light.” It’s true, and never more so than for organizati­ons that are on a tight budget, such as animal shelters, services for the elderly and children’s organizati­ons. If any of your readers are thinking of volunteeri­ng, pick an organizati­on and help out when you can. To those who already volunteer, thank you many times over. Your help is invaluable, and your service to your community is very much appreciate­d.

— Hazel W., Wabash, Ind.

DEAR HELOISE: Got broken pottery? Broken watches or old jewelry you never wear? Make steppingst­ones out of them by pouring cement into a shallow cardboard box or an old pie or cake tin. When it has set a little, press glass pebbles, broken pottery, watch parts or anything you want into the surface. When the cement has set up, turn it out (a cardboard box works best for this), and you have a one-of-a-kind concrete steppingst­one for your garden.

— DeeDee B., Wyoming

DEAR HELOISE: I live on a street that has no street lights. To make finding our place easier for guests, especially after dark, I put a blue bulb in our porch light and just tell them to look for the house with the blue light.

— Andrea L., via email

DEAR HELOISE: Can you name some flowering plants for me that are deer-resistant plants?

— Jane P., Topeka, Kan. DEAR READER: Here are some: American holly; bleeding heart; buttercup; cactus; daffodil; flowering tobacco; gladiolus; lavender; lily of the valley; peony; sweet alyssum; and thyme.

DEAR HELOISE: When wrapping a wedding gift, I put the card inside the box so it doesn’t get lost, and I put my address label on the envelope so the couple will have it handy when they write thank-you notes. This is good if someone wants to include cash or a check with the gift.

— Randall J., Tennessee

DEAR HELOISE: To avoid running out of checks, I place a sticky note on a check that’s two checks from the last one to remind me to carry a fresh stack of checks with me. This way, I don’t run out.

— Vickie H., Louisiana

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