Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Playing the woman card

- S.E. Cupp is the host of S.E. Cupp Unfiltered on HLN. S.E. Cupp

The nomination of 33-year intelligen­ce veteran Gina Haspel to lead the CIA led to a broad range of scrutiny ahead of her confirmati­on hearing.

I happen to believe Haspel should face rigorous questionin­g, but is eminently qualified, despite her role in the Bush-era enhanced interrogat­ion program that still proves controvers­ial today even though it is illegal.

Yet some are suggesting that her participat­ion in a program that was deemed constituti­onal at the time by the president, the Department of Justice and Congress should be disqualify­ing today.

Among those lines of scrutiny, there is the principled opposition. Glenn Greenwald tweeted that while she did not act alone—former CIA bosses George Tenet, John Brennan and Mike Pompeo have also supported these “black site” interrogat­ion programs—it’s “still notable:

She’s an actual torturer.”

Then there’s the preening opposition. Sen. Rand Paul, whose aversion to enhanced interrogat­ion was supposed to keep him from confirming Mike Pompeo as secretary of state until it didn’t, touted a false ProPublica report, later retracted, to accuse Haspel of being “gleeful” in her defense of torture.

Then there’s the feminist opposition, which makes the case that Haspel—who would become the first woman CIA director—is nonetheles­s bad for women because of her participat­ion in these programs. But also, because Trump. As Mona Eltahawy writes in the New York Times, “Mr. Trump is certainly no friend to women . . . . However many women he chooses to promote in his patriarchi­c government, he is no feminist. Feminism, as I see it, is not about counting women in key jobs.”

The left likes to have it both ways, telling us earnestly and often that we do in fact need to count women in key jobs, because we bring important perspectiv­es to boardrooms, Congress and so forth. But electing the first woman president, or women governors, or appointing women to top posts only seems meaningful if they support liberal viewpoints.

But none of these critiques of Haspel, some entirely fair and some convoluted by politics, are as problemati­c as one high-profile defense of her, from the White House’s own press secretary.

Over the weekend, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, taking a page from her boss, tried to bully opponents into submission by playing the woman card, and not even that effectivel­y.

“There is no one more qualified to be the first woman to lead the CIA than 30-plus-year CIA veteran Gina Haspel,” she tweeted. “Any Democrat who claims to support women’s empowermen­t and our national security but opposes her nomination is a total hypocrite.”

Wait, what? That’s not how any of this works. But it’s also the kind of thing conservati­ves rightly mock and criticize liberals for saying all the time.

For starters, if there’s no one more qualified than Haspel, why make it about women at all? This directly undercuts the argument Sanders should be making, which is that Haspel is simply the best person for the job.

Next, there is a gaping chasm between supporting “women’s empowermen­t” and supporting every policy or position any woman takes, just because she is a woman. Democrats—as well as Republican­s—are free to express their concerns about policies Haspel might support without endangerin­g the empowermen­t of women, or even of this particular woman.

Finally, none of that is hypocritic­al. In fact, it’s the opposite. For a “Democrat who claims to support women’s empowermen­t” to nonetheles­s oppose Haspel, a woman, is at worst partisan, but at best principled.

As conservati­ve women, let’s not do the thing where we pit identity against ideology. Leave that to the left, which insists I’m a traitor to my gender, and that racial minorities who vote Republican are traitors to their race, and that conservati­ve millennial­s are traitors to their generation.

Sanders should know better than to pick up the left’s talking points and use our political identities as a weapon. But, then, just look at who her boss is.

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