Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- HELOISE Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR READERS: Today’s Sound Off is about the billions of dollars of food that is thrown out every year in America.

DEAR HELOISE: Americans waste millions of tons of food each year. It gets dumped in a landfill, where it rots and produces methane gas, which is considered a greenhouse gas. What can we do to avoid wasting food? You can freeze almost anything, so why not freeze leftovers? Or plan how much food will be needed for a meal, and purchase that amount and no more. Plan a leftover night on Saturday or Friday. Even if food is on sale, don’t buy it unless you know you’ll use it all.

— Melissa F., California

DEAR READERS: May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, so to help avoid skin cancer:

Use sunblock.

Stop sunbathing. Wear a hat outdoors. See a dermatolog­ist regularly.

DEAR HELOISE: One of the most serious health issues today is stress. As a yoga teacher, I see people every day who are trying to find ways to cope with their stress levels. I’ve found that there are three easy methods to help us handle stress in our lives:

1. Stop multitaski­ng: Focus on doing a good job on one thing at a time.

2. Meditate: Set aside at least 10 to 15 minutes per day to sit in a comfortabl­e position, close your eyes, focus on your breathing and let your mind go blank.

3. Stop checking your electronic gadgets: Some people check email, text messages and social media every few minutes. Instead, schedule a block of time at the end or beginning of each day for those tasks.

— Brenda W., Washington

DEAR HELOISE: Many people are timid about asking for a “senior discount,” but people over 62 always should ask if there is a senior discount on services and products. You can save on things such as cellphones, restaurant­s, hotels, entertainm­ent, national park entry fees, auto insurance/repairs and medication­s. But you must ask if a discount is offered, and discounts can, and sometimes do, vary or change without notice.

— Helen M., Orlando, Fla.

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