Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Pass the amendment


Behind every man in the Greatest Generation was a woman. Almost always behind. Occasional­ly beside. Rarely in front. Mainly, she served him, which was noble and made her often the better person. It is a practical division of labor that has worked well for centuries.

And, of course, it’s biblical. Love, honor and obey mean exactly what they say.

The response to the Equal Rights Amendment in the 11 southern states and two western states that have failed to ratify it is, I surmise: “They know we love ’em, why do we have to put it in the Constituti­on?”

That’s what Archie Bunker would say, and an Arkansas legislator can’t go wrong channeling Archie.

The thing is, nothing in the Equal Rights Amendment impinges on the Greatest Generation model of marital bliss. Women could still be as subservien­t as they want to be. Women will just have the same legal rights as men. That’s all.

Just one more state is needed to meet the requiremen­t of threefourt­hs of the state legislatur­es voting to ratify the ERA. It’s up to Arkansas women who, mostly, joined the right-wing backlash to the Women’s Movement way back when. It is past time they get over that nonsense and force our legislator­s to do the right thing.

I would like to see our college students, especially the women, rise above their indifferen­ce and materialis­tic cynicism about political and social causes and make a fuss to help get this thing done.

HOWELL MEDDERS Fayettevil­le

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