Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Dumb and dumber

The decline of educationa­l TV


Robert Hutchins, the great University of Chicago sage of education, remarked nearly 60 years ago that television, “one of the greatest technical marvels in history,” had been so degraded that “it is as though movable type had been devoted exclusivel­y since Gutenberg’s time to the publicatio­n of comic books.”

Apart from PBS’ offerings and a few other shows, there’s not much of educationa­l broadcast children’s TV that might have changed his mind. In exchange for free use of the public airwaves, networks that make billions of dollars from that largesse must make a piddling commitment to a minimum of three hours of educationa­l programs for kids a week, limits on advertisin­g on kids’ shows, and the like.

Now the Federal Communicat­ions Commission has proposed dumping even those negligible requiremen­ts because, it asks, who needs them in the Internet age? It’s taking public comments on this until late September.

Dale Kunkel is an emeritus professor and longtime expert on children’s television who has testified on Capitol

Hill about children and media. He teases out why the FCC would look out for broadcaste­rs’

interests, rather than those of children being left on the far side of the digital divide.

What is the FCC considerin­g doing, and why?

The FCC has required that television stations air children’s educationa­l programmin­g for 50 years or more. The reason why they require that is that the airwaves belong to the public, not the broadcast station that uses them. The broadcaste­r is granted a license. They get the license for free. But the payback is that they are supposed to serve the public interest. And one of the key elements of that is that they have to provide programmin­g for children.

The FCC is now proposing to deregulate those requiremen­ts. They can’t abandon them entirely, because Congress adopted legislatio­n in 1990 called the Children’s Television Act that says every station has to air children’s educationa­l programmin­g. But the FCC gets to determine what qualifies as educationa­l.

The argument is that there are so many options now—iPads, iPhones, programs on cable that were not imagined when public airwaves were given to broadcaste­rs.

That’s true, but it assumes that everyone can afford the cost of accessing all of those alternativ­e forms of kids’ media. And that’s not the case.

Many rural households, many in lower-income households—28 million in the U.S.—have to rely solely on broadcast television. So the needs of those children to see and benefit from educationa­l programmin­g can only be met by broadcast media.

And that comes right back to this key argument about why broadcaste­rs should be required to air children’s programmin­g: They’re using the publicly owned airwaves for free.

You need to think about the broadcast airwaves in the same way that you might think about the national parks: They belong to the public. It might be the case that the National Park Service lets a concession­aire build a lodge in Yosemite or put up a snack stand so people can have picnic lunches before they use the park, but they don’t own the park. The public does. So we can place burdens and requiremen­ts on businesses that are working on public property.

The broadcaste­rs are exactly the same. They’re essentiall­y getting a corporate giveaway from the government. We can’t give the airwaves away for free and get nothing back for the public.

We’re not just talking about Big Bird and public broadcasti­ng. This is all of the major broadcast networks.

Public broadcast stations do a wonderful job of airing educationa­l programmin­g for children.

I did a study a few years back looking at what is being aired on commercial television for kids, and they only air about as much as the requiremen­ts specified—three hours a week of educationa­l shows. If we loosen those mandates, if the government says we’ll let stations decide how much is enough, then the fear is it is just going to go away entirely.

Here are some of the other deregulato­ry ideas that the FCC has just proposed: Currently the law requires that they have to air between 7 a.m. and the early evening hours. They want to say they could air at any time. That would mean that broadcaste­rs might put them on at 3 in the morning when no one is watching.

They want to say that they could air programs not on the station’s primary signal. Every station today in the digital environmen­t multicasts. Stations have a primary signal that cable networks retransmit. So if you’re a cable subscriber and you’re watching a local broadcast station, you can see their pri-

mary signal, but you don’t typically see the secondary signals that they air.

Is this like a poor-relations channel?

A: It’s kind of a poor stepchild. These are the signals that have 24-hour news, weather displays, stock tickers, things like that. And the only way you can receive those is if you have rabbit ears, and you connect those up to your television, and there’s virtually no audience for them.

So these are a couple of the ideas that the FCC has that absolutely give the broadcaste­rs greater flexibilit­y. But unfortunat­ely they’re going to adversely affect how well children are served.

Three hours a week sounds like a paltry output.

Traditiona­lly, children watched about three hours a day or 21 hours a week of television programmin­g. Those numbers have changed as kids have evolved to spend more time online. But that doesn’t mean that kids don’t still love watching television, especially in their early years. And the programs they gravitate to are the programs that are designed for them.

You worked on the Children’s Television Act of 1990. What kind of pushback were the networks giving in terms of what they considered children’s programmin­g?

A: I did a study a couple of years after the law was enacted to see what stations were airing to comply with the law. What I found was that stations simply weren’t taking the law seriously. There were claims that The Jetsons was educationa­l because it taught kids about new technology. The Flintstone­s

taught history lessons. And one of my favorites was a claim that the Yogi Bear show was educationa­l; it taught children not to do stupid things or be ready to face the consequenc­es. And so that led the FCC to tighten down on the rules. The FCC had said: We’re going to trust the good-faith judgment of the broadcast industry. We don’t want to be in the business of judging what’s educationa­l and what not.

That clearly didn’t work. That led to a number of regulation­s that said that a program had to have a specified learning goal and a particular target audience and age range. That was so that people could hold the industry accountabl­e, so that they at least would have to make realistic claims.

The same argument the FCC is considerin­g now was put forward more than 30 years ago about cassette recorders.

You can make the same argument today that there are alternativ­e technologi­es; that was made in the 1980s when this law was first being considered by Congress. The FCC actually had deregulate­d a bunch of kids’ television requiremen­ts in the 1980s under the Reagan administra­tion.

They said: Well. there’s Betamax tapes and satellite TV and so forth, and so we’re going to deregulate. But Congress explicitly rejected that. The people at the FCC who are proposing these changes today, they don’t seem to have done their homework in terms of understand­ing their history.

It was as if the city of Anaheim was going to close down all of its public parks, arguing we don’t really

need public parks anymore because Disneyland is available.

It’s great that Disneyland’s there, it’s great that some families can afford to go. Not all of them can. It doesn’t negate the need for public parks.

And it’s a parallel situation with broadcasti­ng. It’s great that there is a lot of educationa­l content out there, and that affluent families can access it through these alternativ­e mechanisms that require direct payment. But not everyone can. And we need to serve the needs of all in our society. And when we’re giving the broadcast airwaves away for free, we need to get something back. Educationa­l programmin­g for kids is the bedrock of serving the public interest.

But I’ll tell you what’s even more discouragi­ng. The proposal today is: We’re not even going to maintain the pretense that we have regulatory requiremen­ts here. We’re going to … give the broadcast industry greater flexibilit­y. I don’t think they’ve earned that privilege.

What was the philosophy in the 1930s when public airwaves were acknowledg­ed to be public that justified essentiall­y giving away these public airwaves, now worth billions of dollars?

It was a lack of foresight. And it was clarity that the government in the United States was not going to operate the airwaves. In many more authoritar­ian countries, the government owns and controls the media content, and basically it’s a lot of propaganda. In the United States, with our First Amendment and our philosophy of free speech and no government control of speech, it was clear that the government wasn’t going to operate the airwaves.

And when broadcasti­ng was new, this model of giving the airwaves away for free was that then the payback is that the industry—the people who get the licenses—have to serve the public interest.

So it’s kind of an historical artifact that the station licenses continue to be given away for free today, now, when they are worth billions. And not only are they given away for free, but they can be bought and sold. The owner of a broadcast license can transfer it to someone and receive payment of billions of dollars.

What we would be the consequenc­es of embracing this rule the FCC is considerin­g?

If the FCC goes through with their deregulato­ry proposal, as I suspect they will, what happens is that children’s programmin­g on broadcast television essentiall­y goes to nil. The content that’s on won’t be regularly scheduled. It will no longer be required to be a full-length program.

I wonder what Mister Rogers—who testified before Congress about the need for good children’s programmin­g—would make of all of this?

He wasn’t much of a scold, but I just don’t see that any other approach would be appropriat­e. If a child would misbehave, the child has to be held accountabl­e. This is clearly misbehavio­r on the part of the FCC. And it clearly deserves scolding.


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