Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Pastor’s ‘genocide’ notion, other ideas a distortion


Rev. Clint Schnekloth, in the Faith Matters column Sept. 15, accuses our country of “genocide” in its dealing with the huge problems of illegal immigratio­n. This nation and its allies fought a great and very costly war we call World War II, a war fought against the Axis nations — Germany, Italy and Japan — which were by policy genocidal. I’m not sure much if any of this is taught today in many of our schools and universiti­es, but the elders among us know all about the Holocaust, and the Japanese policy of genocide as in the rape of Nanking and other ghastly examples too numerous to mention here. I am a Marine vet of that war, Guadalcana­l, Okinawa. I think I know what genocide is. And it is much more than hurting the feelings or inconvenie­ncing persons who have violated our laws.

I note that Schnekloth quotes Scripture, the Golden Rule, “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” etc., to guide us in dealing with the immigratio­n situation. And are not these Scriptures from those he has called in other columns “ancient texts” to which Bible-believing Christians “flee?” (Actually, there is no better book to “flee” to. )

Schnekloth in another of his columns in this paper (June 27, 2017) instructed us that the notion of marriage — meaning the union of one man, one woman — is a “distortion” that has “crept into Scripture” and is “alien” to God’s intention. He has also told us that the real sin in Sodom had nothing to do with their sexual deviance, but that they were guilty of “inhospital­ity.”

The problem of our borders and our national security is truly one of huge proportion­s. We need to protect our country. Legal immigratio­n we welcome. But, for example, 97 percent of those who illegally entered this country in 2017 are still here. Most of them are good people, I am sure, but they have broken our laws by illegal entry. And what of the criminal element among them, the violent gangs? And the drugs? And the victims of human traffickin­g, many of them children, in a strange land, far from family and loved ones, used for prostituti­on? Organized opposition to a wall and encouragin­g “sanctuary cities” are no help, and accusing our country of “genocide” is insulting and untrue.

But the very appearance of the word got me to thinking. I once saw a bumper sticker with the words, “Equal Rights for Unborn Women.” What are we to call a nation that has allowed the killing of more than 50 million of its “unborn women” and men, since that which we call Roe vs. Wade? Somehow I doubt Rev. Schnekloth would consider this blight on our nation’s honor as deserving the word “genocide.”

The prophet Isaiah (the book by his name can be found in the “ancient texts” — your Bible) said, “To the Law and to the Testimony! (that is, go to God’s word) If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” (Isaiah 8:20) HAROLD B. CHILTON Fayettevil­le

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