Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

WOMEN CAPTURE record number of seats.


Women won more seats than ever before in the U.S. House after a record number of female candidates were on ballots across the country, fueled by Democratic opposition to President Donald Trump.

With some races yet to be decided, 96 women had been elected to the House as of Wednesday. That surpasses the record of 84 women set by the current Congress. Women could at best gain one seat in the Senate, potentiall­y beating the record 23 women now in the chamber.

Before Tuesday’s elections, women made up a record 20 percent of Congress — 23 percent of the Senate and 19 percent of the House.

More women ran in congressio­nal primaries this year than ever before, mostly as Democrats. Many were spurred by the #MeToo movement along with wider fallout from the 2016 election, in which the first female major party presidenti­al nominee, Hillary Clinton, faced attacks based on her gender.

Among women newly elected to Congress on Tuesday are a core group with background­s in national security work or the military.

At least five of those women won key races that helped Democrats take control of the House. In Virginia, former CIA officer Abigail Spanberger and retired Navy Commander Elaine Luria beat Republican incumbents. Air Force veteran Chrissy Houlahan of Pennsylvan­ia, former CIA analyst Elissa Slotkin of Michigan, and former Navy pilot Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey also flipped seats for Democrats.

Air Force veteran and Republican Rep. Martha McSally was leading in the contest to be the first woman elected to the Senate from Arizona. In Texas, Iraq war veteran Gina Ortiz Jones is in a deadlocked race with Republican Rep. Will Hurd, a former CIA officer, who is leading by less than 1,000 votes.

They’ll join a veterans caucus of more than 100 that includes Sens. Tammy Duckworth, an Illinois Democrat, and Joni Ernst, an Iowa Republican.

Other candidates like Jennifer Wexton in Virginia and Angie Craig in Minnesota helped Democrats win Republican-held seats in the suburbs.

There were 15 Democratic women running on Senate ballots along with eight Republican­s. In five states — Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, Washington and Wisconsin — female candidates challenged sitting female senators.

Democratic Sens. Claire McCaskill of Missouri and Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota lost their races, while Republican Reps. Marsha Blackburn became the first woman elected to the U.S. Senate from Tennessee.

Nevada now has two female senators after Democrat Jacky Rosen defeated incumbent Republican Dean Heller.

“On a night when women are winning up and down the ballot this is a historic night for us because now Nevada joins to be the fifth state with two women senators,” Rosen said during her victory speech.

There are now more women governors, as well. Women were newly elected in Michigan, South Dakota, New Mexico, Kansas, and Maine, bringing the total number of female state executives to nine, matching the record set in 2004. Democrat Janet Mills of Maine and Republican Kristi Noem of South Dakota are the first women elected as governor in their state.

In the House, 71 incumbent women were running for re-election, 46 were running for open seats and 120 were challengin­g sitting House members, according to the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University.

In all, 237 were candidates for the House, including 185 Democrats and 52 Republican­s.

Voters in two states also elected the country’s first Muslim women to the House: Rashida Tlaib, a former state legislator running in Detroit, and Ilhan Omar, a state legislator running in Minneapoli­s.

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