Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

A Thanksgivi­ng gift of life


My fondest Thanksgivi­ng memory came as a true “gift of life.” I received the most precious gift one could receive from a total stranger … a new liver. I had suffered from liver disease for 28 years, undergoing many procedures, medication­s and hospitaliz­ations with close calls. My previous Valentine’s Day was in ICU with my family being called in for their goodbyes. Thankfully my will to live overcame that final setback, and on Thanksgivi­ng morning I received the call that a donor had given me a second chance at life. I was excited with no apprehensi­on about the surgery to come, but I had an overwhelmi­ng sense of sadness for this family that had lost their loved one and made my loved ones have many more years as a family. I made a few attempts to locate my donor family, but that was not meant to be, so I hope if they see this letter they will be comforted in knowing I have seen a grandchild be born, one graduate from college, one start college, another a high school senior who I will soon be attending her graduation. The most important thing is that I have been able to work full time as a registered nurse caring for those people in their time of need. I never imagined that would be possible years ago. So this Thanksgivi­ng, as every Thanksgivi­ng, I think about my donor, their family and the gift of life they so generously gave to me in their time of loss. Rememberin­g my donor … Thanksgivi­ng 2004 to today. ROBIN WILSON Bryant

Much to appreciate

I am thankful for the wonderful friends and family who help while my mom undergoes cancer treatment. I am thankful that at 85 and 89 years old Mom and Pop are still able to support each other during her treatment. I am thankful for the wonderful care provided for my mom by the good folks at UAMS. I am thankful for the 64 years my parents have had together. I am thankful for the 59 years I have had to be their son. I am thankful for my feline alarm clock (named Jinx) who is so punctual every morning at 5. I am thankful she was rescued from a parking lot dumpster and thankful that she now resides in warmth and comfort. I am thankful for the wonderful friends in my life who truly know what the word “friend” means. I am thankful for the opportunit­y to tailgate at Arrowhead Stadium and to be able to put the world on hold for a few hours. I am thankful that I can then get back to reality. I am thankful for life. DAVID KELLEY Fort Smith

Gratified for all of it

You asked what I’m thankful for. Being born in the best country in the world, the USA, into a family with a loving mom and dad. Growing up in the best place, Southern USA, at the best time in history, the ’50s and ’60s. I’m thankful for my church and Sunday School. I’m thankful for being in the Navy and going to college on the GI Bill, giving me the ability to make a living. Hot showers, clean clothes, a full belly and a warm home, and the greatest wife. For reasonable access to good health care. Clean, safe water to drink, clear air to breathe, and freedom to travel without restrictio­ns. For good police to protect me, and great first responders. I’m thankful for a well-equipped volunteer military to keep me free. For the many mentors who taught and guided me in my formative years. For the best neighbors anyone could ask for. Street lights at night. Clean and efficient trash collection. A free press and the right to defend myself. For music, paper towels, toilet paper. I could go on forever. We are the most blessed country on earth, yet so many complain. But we are free to do so. And I thank God for all of it. God bless America. TOM DESAULNIER­S Conway

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