Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

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100 YEARS AGO Jan. 2, 1919

FORT SMITH — There is no immediate prospect for healthy resumption in operations of the coal mines in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas, in the opinion of John Wilkerson, district president of the United Mine Workers of District No. 21. The present cold snap may create a new demand for domestic coal, but it will not be sufficient to keep the mines employed any great length of time, he said. Until the railroads have exhausted the supply of coal they stored during the war, mines will continue to operate but little, he believes. At present Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas are the hardest hit coal producing states in the Union.

50 YEARS AGO Jan. 2, 1969

■ An earthquake struck Central and North Arkansas about 5:37 p.m. Wednesday, rattling dishes and blinds, windows and furniture. No one was injured and there were no reports of damage at Little Rock, although lamps were reported to have been shaken off tables in some areas. The recording instrument­s showed that the tremor was less severe than the one that was felt in 22 states, including Arkansas, on November 9. At their epicenters, the November quake registered 5.5 on the Richter Scale and the one Wednesday registered between 4.5 and 5.

25 YEARS AGO Jan. 2, 1994

■ A Little Rock proposal to require its police officers to live in the city won’t diminish the quality of applicants for the 135 new police positions recently approved by voters, the mayor said. Mayor Jim Dailey said Thursday he thought the chance to work for the state’s largest, bestpaid municipal police force would prove an incentive. “We’ll still get good people to hire,” Dailey said. “Even after background investigat­ions, we still have long waiting lists of qualified people wanting to become Little Rock police officers.”

10 YEARS AGO Jan. 2, 2009

■ Three new city aldermen created a historic changeover Thursday on North Little Rock’s City Council, joining other elected officials within Pulaski County beginning their terms at the start of the year … North Little Rock’s additions change the historical nature of its City Council regarding the number of both women and blacks serving simultaneo­usly.

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