Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



DEAR READERS: How are serrated knives different from smooth blades? Let’s take a look.

Each “tooth” of the serrated blade that comes in contact with food emits more pressure on that particular area, with a sawing motion, so the cuts are faster, but they can be more jagged.

Serrated knives work well for cutting both “tender” foods, like bread, peaches and tomatoes (items that can tear or disintegra­te easily with a smooth blade), and also for heartier foods, like a roast or a watermelon rind.

Whichever blade you choose, always practice knife safety. Did you know that you’re more apt to get cut by a dull knife than a sharp knife? Putting excess pressure on the blade can cause it to slip and slice.

DEAR HELOISE: When I make cornbread, whether from scratch or box mix, I replace ¼ of the milk called for with either plain yogurt or sour cream (reduced fat works fine) and bake as directed. This makes the cornbread moister, and it won’t dry out after cooling.

— Susan M., via email

DEAR READERS: We got a whale of a response to our “Go gray or keep it colored?” column. Read on.

“You can look vivacious and be gray at the same time. Wear your jewelry and a little colorful makeup for a classy presentati­on.”

— Gray in Ohio “I’m frugal except when it comes to my hair, and there’s no way I would stop coloring my hair. I’ve been told by hairdresse­rs that letting one’s hair go white adds 10 years.”

— Babs, via email “I colored my hair for years. Decided to go natural a few years ago. How liberating! A person can cover the gray, but the other signs of aging are still there. The color of our hair doesn’t determine our age — attitude does. Be yourself. Age naturally.”

— Joan D., via email “I’m a hairdresse­r. This trend of going gray is just that — a trend. Your hair is your mane. Women should feel beautiful. I have my hair highlighte­d. I am not hiding gray. I just want a flattering look. One of my best friends has gorgeous gray. People who decide to go natural shouldn’t judge those who don’t. This reminds me of ‘When you turn 40 you have to cut your hair short.’ There are no rules. Do what you want to do.”

— Michelle G., via email

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

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