Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Editorial missed mark on Democrats’ wishes


Your editorial of Aug. 20 excoriated Democrat candidates for their supposed hope the economy will crash and millions of people will lose their jobs so Donald Trump will lose the election, but it fails to understand almost everything about the desire of Democrats and others that Trump lose big.

We in no way hope for his loss on the backs of working-class people. We hope he loses because of his ongoing failure as the country’s leader.

Going back a few years, Obama was elected in the midst of an economic melt down. During the election cycle of 2008, the Bush economy had collapsed completely, resulting in the Great Recession. Obama and his team worked with verve and skill to get the economy out of the ditch. By the end of his term in office, we had enjoyed eight years of an economy that, after a slow start, was perking along nicely and on a solid basis to continue.

Trump has been in office for 21/2 years of the more than 10-year boom, and he gets the credit for the eight years of a growing economy that occurred before he became president?

Trump has lied about the economy from the beginning of his presidency, claiming credit for something he did not do. In fact, something he probably does not have the skill, knowledge or team to accomplish.

Democrats do not want the economy to crash and millions of people lose their jobs in the effort to defeat Trump. We want voters to know that the economy is booming, not because Trump is president, but despite it. He inherited a smoothly running economy, and it is still running in the face of his incoherent and dangerous policies. That is testament to Obama, not his fickle successor.



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