Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Another company heard from


Testimony from people who have lost family and friends to gun violence doesn’t seem to have much influenced Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Nor have the views of nearly 90 percent of Americans, who polls show favor sensible gun-control measures that he is blocking. Now, though, comes support for gun-law reform from a possibly unexpected quarter: leaders of some of the country’s best-known companies. Can they move the majority leader to do his job?

“Doing nothing about America’s gun violence crisis is simply unacceptab­le and it is time to stand with the American public on gun safety,” the heads of 145 companies wrote to Senate leaders. They urged an expansion of background checks on gun sales and enactment of a strong red flag law. Leaders of the companies, including Levi Strauss, Twitter and Uber, said they were writing out of a sense of “responsibi­lity and obligation to stand up for the safety of our employees, customers and all Americans in the communitie­s we serve.” The letter, following decisions by Walmart and CVS to prohibit the open carry of firearms in their stores, shows a change in attitude in a corporate world.

McConnell should take note, particular­ly of the words “responsibi­lity and obligation.” His refusal to bring to the Senate floor the bipartisan bill expanding background checks already passed by the House or to consider any other measures is an abrogation of those principles. He has said he is waiting for President Donald Trump to say what measures he would be willing to support, suggesting that to do otherwise would be a waste of time.

Never mind that when it comes to gun control, more so than any other issue, Trump has proved to be highly mercurial. Since when must the Senate await permission from the White House before legislatin­g? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., made that point clear the other day when she was asked if she had regrets about not bringing the House back in August after mass shootings in Texas and Ohio. Because the House passed legislatio­n in February, Pelosi was understand­ably irritated. “Don’t ask me what we haven’t done. We have done it,” she said. “And if you are annoyed with my impatience, it’s because people are dying because Senator McConnell hasn’t acted.”

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