Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Panel sets deadline for Trump defense


WASHINGTON — The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has set a deadline of next Friday for President Donald Trump and his lawyers to decide if they will present evidence or call witnesses during the committee’s considerat­ion of impeachmen­t articles.

In a letter sent Friday to the president, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., the committee chairman, asked whether he intends to mount a defense, saying Trump has the right to review the evidence against him, ask questions of his accusers during public hearings that begin next week, present evidence and request witness testimony.

“Please provide the committee with notice of whether your counsel intends to participat­e, specifying which of the privileges your counsel seeks to exercise,” Nadler wrote.

He said the deadline for responding is 5 p.m. Dec. 6.

Nadler’s panel will begin examining next week whether Trump abused the power of his office by pressuring Ukraine for politicall­y beneficial investigat­ions of his political rivals and whether the president obstructed the congressio­nal inquiry by refusing to provide documents and by blocking witnesses from testifying.

In Friday’s letter, Nadler said that the committee has also been investigat­ing whether Trump engaged “in acts of obstructio­n of justice” detailed in the report by Robert Mueller, the special counsel who investigat­ed Russia’s interferen­ce in the 2016 election and the Trump campaign.

Democrats are weighing whether to draft an obstructio­n-of-justice article based on Mueller’s report.

Nadler’s letter indicates that his committee is prepared to hear a public defense from Trump or his lawyers as early as the week of Dec. 9, potentiall­y setting up a final vote on articles of impeachmen­t in the committee later that week.

Democratic leaders have said the entire House could vote on impeachmen­t the week of Dec. 16.

The White House did not respond to an email seeking comment Friday, but lawyers for the president have repeatedly expressed deep skepticism about participat­ing in the impeachmen­t inquiry, which the president and his allies have denounced as unfair and a sham.

Nadler had previously set a deadline of 6 p.m. Sunday for Trump to decide whether his lawyers would attend a public hearing Wednesday in which constituti­onal scholars will discuss the definition of an impeachabl­e offense and whether Trump’s actions justify removing him from office.

The president and his lawyers have not responded to the earlier request, according to committee officials.

Under the impeachmen­t resolution adopted by the House in late September, Trump and his lawyers are allowed to attend all impeachmen­t hearings in the Judiciary Committee, including the presentati­on of a report from the House Intelligen­ce Committee, which is expected to take place within days.

In 1998, President Bill Clinton’s lawyers delivered a 30-page rebuttal report to the Judiciary Committee as it began considerat­ion of whether to impeach Clinton for his actions related to a sexual relationsh­ip with Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern. Clinton’s lawyers and several witnesses later argued in a daylong appearance before the committee that the president’s actions did not warrant impeachmen­t.

James St. Clair, President Richard Nixon’s White House counsel, argued against Nixon’s impeachmen­t during Judiciary Committee hearings on Watergate in 1974.

Pat Cipollone, Trump’s White House counsel, has said for weeks that the president had no intention of cooperatin­g with the House inquiry, saying in a letter to the House Democrats that “President Trump and his administra­tion cannot participat­e in your partisan and unconstitu­tional inquiry under these circumstan­ces.”

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