Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Never-Sanders time?

- S.E. Cupp S.E. Cupp is the host of S.E. Cupp Unfiltered on CNN.

Last week’s victory in New Hampshire gives Sen. Bernie Sanders unequivoca­l front-runner status, and anyone trying to couch his win as less than significan­t is trying to sell you something likely named Buttigieg, Klobuchar or Bloomberg.

This will terrify the members of the anti-Sanders wing of the Democratic Party—and they are plentiful—who’ve been warning that Sanders can’t win, and more importantl­y that he shouldn’t.

While Sanders is all the rage among youngsters, oldsters of a certain variety—typically male, white and clinging to a version of the party last spotted glad-handing with Republican­s over White Russians at the Round Robin bar in 1987—are downright horrified at the prospect of a socialist on the ticket.

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews was recently overheard—because he was mic’d and on television—ranting like a McCarthyit­e about a return to the bad old days . . . that never actually came to be.

“I remember the Cold War,” he boomed. “I have an attitude toward [Fidel] Castro. I believe if Castro and the Reds had won the Cold War there would have been executions in Central Park, and I might have been one of the ones executed, and certain other people would be there cheering, OK?”

Likewise, famed Democratic political guru James Carville had a nervous breakdown on live television the other night, promising that a Sanders nomination would mean nothing less than the “end of days” for the party.

While far less eschatolog­ical and emotional, there’s a slightly younger cohort of white men who are just as concerned about Sanders, and they happen to be in the House of Representa­tives.

Democratic Reps. Anthony Brindisi, Dean Phillips, Scott Peters and Max Rose—whose average age is 46.5—all went on record to convey how worried they are about Bernie’s taint on the party.

“Sanders is about the worst candidate we can put up,” Peters told The Hill. “He not only won’t likely win the presidency; he puts the House majority at risk.”

There’s an eerie familiarit­y to the desperatio­n of these dudes not to see their party co-opted by a guy whose ideas they find anathema, even dangerous.

He’s too extreme. He can’t win. He’ll hurt the party down-ballot. He won’t be able to get his agenda passed. I feel your pain, Never-Sanders people—and once said similar things about Donald Trump in 2016.

For months our maudlin club of #NeverTrump doomsayers spent days and nights publicly panicking and desperatel­y pleading with anyone who would listen about the dangers of nominating Trump. Nervous breakdowns were the norm, lighting our hair on fire a nightly ritual.

Suffice it to say we lost the argument, and on one fine point we were dead wrong: He got himself elected.

Here’s the thing, though: We were also mostly right. Trump is too extreme to ever be palatable to more than a minority of voters. He barely eked out a win against Hillary Clinton, a badly damaged candidate. His rhetoric and policies resulted in Democrats taking back the House in 2018.

It’s worth noting that he has also been impeached, not exactly a ringing endorsemen­t for his enduring legacy, or the party’s.

Now, if you’re thinking that Sanders isn’t Trump and Democrats aren’t Republican­s, well . . . yes and no. True, Sanders won’t likely bring the flagrant personal, financial and ethical problems Trump has. Who but Caligula could?

But you’d be surprised how quickly the allure of absolute power corrupts absolutely; how rapidly a party can morph into whatever the loudest, most manipulati­ve voices are demanding; how unrecogniz­able the people you thought you knew can become.

And this is why Carville is warning that the Democratic Party will turn into a cult under Sanders. It sounds crazy and paranoid, but it isn’t.

Never-Sanders folks are right to be concerned about a Bernie candidacy: the effects down-ballot, the normalizin­g of bad policies, the radical transforma­tion of the party. But they should not underestim­ate his electabili­ty. He can go all the way. I’ve seen it happen.

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