Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Land of King Trump


Our form of government of executive, legislativ­e, and judicial branches was created to separate the powers and duties and create a system of checks and balances. This was the model for our democracy precisely to prevent a monarchy.

Our founders are rolling over in their graves as “King Trump” behaves like the monarch our Constituti­on was created to prevent. There are no checks or balances on his corrupt and unethical behavior. Congress showed loyalty to “King Trump” by failing to conduct a fair and open impeachmen­t. Their oath was to uphold our Constituti­on, so help them God. Instead they swore that oath to “King Trump.”

Our senators and representa­tives continue to bow to “King Trump.” Senator Cotton boasts of his support for our military but stands silent as Trump dismisses Lt. Col. Alex Vindman, who spoke the truth. Senator Boozman is silent as Trump uses the National Prayer Breakfast to mock the faith of Sen. Mitt Romney, who has a conscience. Trump has no sense of faith or belief—other than in himself. Where was the outrage of the evangelica­ls?

Trump is disparagin­g federal judges with whom he disagrees. Attorney General Barr is serving him and not our judicial system. Now the “King” is inserting himself into the federal prosecutor­s’ authority by ordering a reduction in prison sentences of his friends for crimes for which they were convicted. Yep, big contributo­rs or political allies of the “King” will “be taken care of” with a pardon. Independen­t federal judges can exercise their judicial discretion—regardless of what Trump desires.

I believe historians will mark this period of “King Trump” as a dangerous time. The party of Lincoln became the puppets of Trump. They are complicit in helping Trump build the monarchy our founders fought and died to prevent. We cannot allow this to continue! “King Trump” must go, and his monarchy with him.

RL SCOTT Little Rock

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