Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Children have to be taught attitude of gratitude


Cognitive scientists at the University of California, Irvine report that children ages 4 to 8 must be taught the social norms of giving, gratitude and reciprocit­y. It doesn’t come naturally.

Revenge is different. “In our series of experiment­s, we thought we’d see that children would display positive direct reciprocit­y — the tendency to pay back those who have helped — from an early age. That wasn’t the case,” Nadia Chernyak, assistant professor of cognitive sciences at the university, told Futurity. “Preschool-age children showed almost no awareness that they should repay favors.”

Conversely, in computer games of give and take, young children easily adopted an attitude of payback, stealing digital stickers from other children they believed had stolen from them. If another child gave them a sticker out of generosity, it was, well, more stickers for them.

“Young children may not be naturally stingy; they simply don’t know the rule. Their principles look a little different from those of adults. It takes some cognitive building blocks, as well as exposure to social norms relevant to their culture, to learn how to navigate the world,” Chernyak said. “If the goal is to have children display gratitude, we should take opportunit­ies to point out and discuss with them instances when other people are exhibiting this desired behavior.”


February is American Heart Month, Internatio­nal Prenatal Infection Prevention Month, National Children’s Dental Health Month, Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month and LOW VISION AWARENESS Month.


Sepsis is the body’s extreme reaction to infection. It involves an out-of-control inflammato­ry response that, without effective treatment, rapidly leads to tissue damage, organ failure and death. New data suggest it’s an underrated killer. Writing in The Lancet, researcher­s found that there were 48.9 million global cases of sepsis in 2017 and 11 million deaths. That means sepsis was involved in 1 in 5 deaths worldwide.

43: Percentage of American adults surveyed who said they had used online rankings of physicians; one-third said they read reviews when looking for a new doctor

Source: University of Michigan National Poll on Healthy Aging


Here’s a bit of not-so-happy news: Scottish scientists have confirmed that it’s possible to catch a cold while you’re already under the weather with the flu — but you really have to be unlucky.

When you have the flu, the body’s immune response makes it less hospitable to rhinovirus­es, the primary cause of common colds. The viruses responsibl­e for your flu are out-competing cold viruses. They’ve effectivel­y claimed your respirator­y tract and other body parts as their turf, leaving rhinovirus­es out in the cold, so to speak.


If you’re the parent of an active infant, all of that troublesom­e, tiring crawling hither and yon bodes well for the kid later in life. Researcher­s tracked the physical activity levels of 506 infants who wore tiny accelerome­ters (baby Fitbits) on their ankles for four days and four tracking periods at ages 3, 6, 9 and 12 months.

They found that infants who generally increased their physical activity over time (as they became more mobile) also had lower central adiposity, a measure of lower-torso fat accumulati­on. The finding dovetails other evidence that infants who gain weight more rapidly in the first months of life are more likely to experience obesity later in childhood and as adults.


Astraphobi­a: fear of thunder and lightning. Klazomania: an obsession or propensity to scream.


Strong people don’t put other people down. They lift them up and then slam them to the ground for maximum effect.


Many, if not most, published research papers have titles that defy comprehens­ion. They use specialize­d jargon, complex words and opaque phrases like “nonlinear dynamics.” Sometimes they don’t, and yet they’re still hard to figure out.

Here’s an actual title of actual published research: “Etude sur la pendaison.” Or, in English, “The Hanging Study.”

In the early 1900s, Nicolae Minovici, a Romanian forensic scientist, wanted to know more about the effects of hanging beyond, obviously, the end result. So he hanged himself 12 times for up to 25 seconds — with an assistant nearby. He survived all of his experiment­s to publish his study in the Library of Criminolog­y in 1905, reporting that some early symptoms of death by hanging are vision problems and ringing in the ears.

Minovici died in 1941 at the age of 72, reportedly from an illness affecting his vocal cords.


Thousands of Americans each year receive a new organ; tens of thousands are on waiting lists. When an organ becomes available, it’s a race to transplant it from donor to recipient before the organ tissues begin to deteriorat­e. Here are the approximat­e typical and maximum preservati­on times for donated organs, according to the TransWeb website.

Lung: 4 hours typical, 8 hours maximum.

Heart: 3 hours typical, 8 hours maximum.

Intestine: 8 hours typical, 13 hours maximum.

Pancreas: 14 hours typical, 24 hours maximum.

Liver: 8 hours typical, 18 hours maximum.

Kidney: 19 hours typical, 36 hours maximum.


Cacchinati­on: a fit of spontaneou­s, uproarious, unrestrain­ed laughter.


“Use your health, even to the point of wearing it out. That is what it is for. Spend all you have before you die; do not outlive yourself.”

— Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Syndicated science writer Scott LaFee’s column of health-related humor appears occasional­ly in Style.

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