Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

PROTESTERS RESIST stay-home order.


MADISON, Wis. — The latest demonstrat­ion against measures to contain the coronaviru­s came to Wisconsin on Friday, with hundreds of people gathering on the steps of the state Capitol to protest the Democratic governor’s stay-home order.

With the building closed, the protesters — some with banners supporting President Donald Trump — stood outside in chilly weather waving American flags or wearing them as masks and capes. Many carried signs criticizin­g Gov. Tony Evers and the stay-at-home order he issued that closed most nonessenti­al businesses until May 26.

“We think there’s been a major overstep in our rights by our governor,” said Paris Procopis, one of the protesters. “We’re here to send Gov. Evers a message. The solution is going to be more harmful than the virus itself.”

Police estimated the crowd was about 1,500 people. No one was arrested. Some protesters wore masks or bandannas in accordance with recommenda­tions of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many did not.

Some health care workers staged a small counterpro­test, with one woman holding a sign saying, “Please go home.”

Sen. Ron Johnson, 65, who was sheltering in place at home in Oshkosh about 90 miles from Madison, said, “I’m neither encouragin­g nor discouragi­ng them.”

Johnson’s distance and ambivalenc­e is shared by many Republican­s as they watch the protests.

Still, a network of conservati­ve groups has activated to support the efforts — seizing on the anxiety and distrust that comes with a moment of turmoil. Conservati­ve groups with national networks, including FreedomWor­ks and Tea Party Patriots, have pushed the “reopen” message on social media.

Friday’s rally was promoted by Thomas Leager, a prominent Wisconsin gun rights advocate. Those who are members of the Facebook group for the event or have advocated for rallying to reopen the state include Matt Batzel, executive director of the Wisconsin chapter of American Majority, a group that helps conservati­ve candidates get elected; Christian Gomez, research project manager at the John Birch Society; and Stephen Moore, a former fellow at the conservati­ve Heritage Foundation.

“The polls are very clear. That’s why I think Republican­s are nervous about this,” said Moore, who is on Trump’s economic task force and has promoted some of the protests provided attendees follow social distancing guidelines. “But these things can change. That’s the point of these protests — to change public opinion.”

The many unknowns of the pandemic — including what the death toll might be if restrictio­ns such as stayhome orders were lifted — complicate the political calculatio­ns. And Trump himself has positioned himself on both sides of the divide in the party. After issuing guidelines for states to reopen, he tweeted support for protesters who were violating them, calling on them to “LIBERATE” three states with Democratic governors. He empathized with protesters, saying they have “cabin fever” and “want their lives back,” but then criticized Georgia’s governor for reopening his state too early.

That’s left most Republican­s — particular­ly those in tough reelection fights this fall — playing it safe by staying away from protests or from being overly vocal about reopening things.

In North Carolina, Sen. Thom Tillis, who is among the GOP senators whose elections could determine if the party keeps control of the Senate, has been compliment­ary of Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper and his decisions.

“We need to let people know that now is not the time to let their guard down,” Tillis said Thursday during a coronaviru­s conference call with constituen­ts. He said he thinks one or two other states talking about reopening “may be doing it just a little bit too soon based on the data and the presidenti­al guidelines.”

Wisconsin Republican­s, who control the state’s Legislatur­e, initially supported Evers’ approach to fighting the coronaviru­s, but they broke last week when he extended the stay-at-home order for another month, until May 26, which was the latest in the Midwest at the time and one of the latest in the country. This week, Republican legislativ­e leaders asked the Wisconsin Supreme Court to block the order and force the state Department of Health Services to work with them on a new approach to reopening the state.

“There’s a lot of frustratio­n out there,” said Republican state Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, who is among those who filed the lawsuit against Evers. “The fact that Gov. Evers’ voicemail is full and people aren’t getting a reply to their emails makes people feel like they’re not being heard.”

Vos, who made headlines for declaring Wisconsin polling places safe for voters while covered in protective gear, would not say whether he will attend Friday’s rally. His counterpar­t in filing the lawsuit, state Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald — who is running for Congress — did not respond to requests for comment. Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by David Sharp, Gary Robertson and Carrie Antlfinger of The Associated Press.

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