Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- — Holly in Ohio

DEAR HELOISE: I have Type 1 diabetes, and I have a service dog, a golden retriever named Gillespie, who is trained to detect when my blood sugar drops. He can sense the change due to the smell of my breath when I exhale, and he’s trained to nudge me with his nose and even alert someone else to my condition. He’s even trained to bring me my medication­s and my cellphone, too! If he didn’t help me out and alert me, I could faint and fall.

He’s helped me be more independen­t and active. My family worries less about me when Gillespie’s around. He’s not a replacemen­t for caring for myself and managing my diabetes, but he’s a great companion and a big helper.

I’d advise your readers who are interested in a service dog for a medical condition like mine to talk to their doctors, get profession­al advice and go from there.

DEAR READERS: Spring’s the time to freshen up, and that includes your skin! Gentle exfoliatio­n is a great way to remove winter’s dull cast on the complexion. And what do I love to use? It’s a household helper that is cheap, safe and readily available. Hmmm — what could I possibly be referring to? Why, yes, it’s baking soda!

To remove dull, dry skin cells, make a paste of baking soda and water, and gently rub on the skin, either face (avoid eye area) or body, in the shower. Rinse thoroughly.

FYI: For a refreshing bath, add ½ cup of baking soda to a full tub of water. Soak that stress and tension away!

DEAR READERS: A typical cat has 18 toes — five on each front paw and four on each hind paw. A polydactyl cat has extra toes — up to nine on each paw.

Extra toes are a genetic “flaw,” but it typically causes the cat no harm and can be a benefit — all the more toes to hunt, climb and play with.

And some fun facts: Novelist Ernest Hemingway was a “collector” of multi-toed cats, and nearly half of Maine Coon cats have extra toes.

DEAR READERS: Here are additional uses for canning jars:

■ Put a votive candle inside to use on picnic tables after sunset.

■ Fill with small toys and candies for a child at Easter.

■ Store pasta, candy or sugar.

■ Store small condiments in them for picnics.

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

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