Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

TRUMP’S VIEW pits masked vs. maskless.

Health debate takes us-vs.-them tenor


Those who raise concerns about the health risks of packing in thousands of people for his rally today in Tulsa, President Donald Trump says, are trying to “COVID-SHAME” his supporters for events that will draw fewer people than the throngs that turned out for outdoor protests after the death of George Floyd in Minneapoli­s.

Trump said in a Wall Street Journal interview this week that some Americans wore facial coverings not as a preventive measure but as a way to signal disapprova­l of him.

The president appears to be calculatin­g that he can ignite resentment toward “the other” and inspire his base to turn out for him in November, said Christophe­r Borick, director of the nonpartisa­n Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion.

“The frame of us-versusthem — the other — has been a consummate rhetorical tool for the president throughout his time in office and before as a candidate,” Borick said. He cited earlier Trump attacks against people living in the country illegally and against “American carnage” in U.S. cities as examples of divisive language from the presidenti­al bully pulpit. “It’s the tried-and-true device that he repeatedly goes back to.”

White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway on Thursday resurrecte­d a divisive 2016 campaign line — Democrat Hillary Clinton’s dismissive reference to Trump supporters as a “basket of deplorable­s” — that underscore­d the Trump team’s effort to turn mask-wearing into a political issue.

“We can’t pick and choose who can be where, wearing a mask or not, based on our politics, based on whether some people think that folks are irredeemab­le and deplorable,” she told Fox News. “They have the same rights as anybody else to peacefully assemble … under our Constituti­on.”

Dan Eberhart, a Republican donor and Trump supporter, said it was dishearten­ing that the virus has turned into a “Red team vs. Blue team” issue. But he said that Trump is clear-eyed that if the economy isn’t “roaring by October,” his reelection hopes are dim. The president’s push to get back to normal, including campaignin­g, reflects that political reality.

Epidemiolo­gists are concerned about spikes in infections that suggest the virus is still spreading.

Arizona, Florida, California, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas all reported record-high single-day increases in coronaviru­s cases on Thursday. Tulsa County, where Trump will hold his rally at a 19,000-seat arena with thousands more outside, has emerged as the state’s leading covid-19 hot spot.

Administra­tion officials have echoed the president, pillorying Democratic critics and the media as alarmist.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said the media have set a double standard. She said little concern was raised about the spread of covid-19 as demonstrat­ors took to the streets to demand changes in policing.

Economic adviser Larry Kudlow said the spikes in some states were “small bumps,” and he argued that increased testing had accounted for the surge in positive cases. Vice President Mike Pence dismissed concerns about a second wave of the virus as “overblown.”

Nadia Abuelezam, a Boston College epidemiolo­gist, said she worried that rhetoric that turns mask-wearing into a politicall­y fraught action could lead to more deaths and infections.

“When we’re talking about empowering people to protect themselves and to protect others, incorporat­ing politics muddles the education piece at a time when some people might not fully understand why masks work in the first place,” Abuelezam said.

Trump sees a winning message in presenting voters with contrastin­g images of himself traveling the country to make his case for a second term while presumptiv­e Democratic nominee Joe Biden sticks closer to home. Trump insists that the virus is “fading away” and that a vaccine, which he predicts will be available by year’s end, might not even be needed.

Eberhart, the GOP donor, said he wished Trump would be “a bit more cautious” and delay big stadium rallies a little longer.

“To use a football analogy, Trump is more of a coach that is trying to win the game than a GM [general manager] or a coach with foresight that is looking to next season or his legacy,” said Eberhart, CEO of Canary, one of the nation’s largest privately owned oil-field services companies. “Trump is really concerned about the news cycle and the next news cycle, and he’s worried about his reelection. But I don’t think his legacy or what the history books are going to say enters his cortex.”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, for now, discourage large indoor gatherings.

Trump aides say the campaign will conduct temperatur­e checks of rallygoers and supply hand sanitizer. Face coverings will be distribute­d, but people won’t be required to wear them. CDC guidelines call for the use of masks in areas where people cannot maintain social distance.

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