Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Lack of vision obvious


I grew up in the 1960s amid protests against the war in Vietnam, discrimina­tion between the sexes and racial inequality. My father was a member of the 101st Airborne Division dispatched to the integratio­n of Central High School. He was shocked by the behavior of the citizens of Little Rock.

The assassinat­ions of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King are both clear in my memory. I truly never thought those days would be evident again. I was wrong. We are witnessing a rehashing of those same events today, in 2020. Ironic that the same concept used for perfect vision has manifested itself in a year where lack of vision is so frightenin­gly obvious.

Protest for the murder of black men by police is warranted and guaranteed protection by constituti­onal amendment yet is acted upon as a crime with arrest of peaceful citizens as well as people of the press. Sounds like the actions of a dictator-led country.

Our president, in reference to a 75-year-old man being pushed to the ground by police and sustaining life-threatenin­g injury, tweets “setup” and “falling harder than he was pushed” with literally no basis. Clearly our president has no concept of the accelerati­on due to gravity: 9.8m/ sec/sec. Calculated, that means the 75-year-old man’s head hit the ground at about 15 miles per hour presuming he was 6 feet tall.

Many contribute arguments of black-on-black crime and the disproport­ionate number of abortions in the black community as some perverse defense. That is all meaningles­s as regards a homicidal death of any person of any color or race secondary to misconduct of police or any other manner of homicide. Any argument fails when the death is unjustifie­d.

When do we as morally guided people return to a moral way of life? Looking out for one another regardless of race, color, religion or any other descriptor. We are a race, a human race that shares one very common ancestry of humanity. Until we shrug off the difference­s, we will continue to fail as a society.


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