Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Letter from the editors


DEAR YOUNG’UNS, Hope you’re managing to stay safe and healthy. That’s a little more challengin­g at this time. Are you drinking enough water? Getting enough sleep? These things are important, you know. We’re sure you’ve got things to do, so let’s get to the main reason we’re writing: these videos we see online.

There sure are a lot of them, everywhere from central Arkansas on up into the Ozarks, even north of the border into Missouri. These troubling videos show young people gathered in tight spaces without wearing masks or even trying to stand six feet apart.

Bars, lakes, swimming pools. Y’all are all over the place, and it looks like you’re having fun. We don’t blame you for wanting to cut loose. It’s been a tough year, and summer is nearing an end.

But you can’t ignore the problems that are right in front of you, namely this ongoing covid-19 pandemic. We get it. You’re exhausted from constant headlines with rising infection rates. There are no plays to go see, all the 5ks have gone virtual, and festivals you’d normally love to attend are canceled.

Believe us, disappoint­ment in this year isn’t restricted by age. We’re all ready for covid-19 to die out and let us move on in life. But it’s not going to, not so long as you keep gathering without following medical guidelines.

You’re not alone in wanting to ignore these problems and return to normal. We were just reading this article the other day in Bloomberg about how European countries like the Netherland­s, England, Belgium and others are seeing rises in infection rates among young people. They’re doing the same thing you are: having picnics close together, sharing drinks, hugging, all the things that aren’t supposed to be done just now.

You need to understand there are serious consequenc­es to your actions. Even if you get infected with this virus and wind up with zero symptoms, you could very easily pass it along to your nana or papa. They won’t be able to fight it off as easily. Lord knows we’ve read enough heartbreak­ing stories about those who caught the bug from a family member.

So please take up the fight once more. Your age group is vital to beating this virus.

One day there’ll be a vaccine that beats this. But for now, you’re just gonna have to chalk 2020 up as a loss. Something terrible outside of our control came and stole the year away. It stinks, but that’s the reality.

We’ll let you go now. Good luck. We’re all counting on you. Oh, and don’t forget to call your grandparen­ts. Plague or not, they still want to hear from you.

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