Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Happy love life turns best friend into a Debbie Downer


Dear Abby: I have been lucky enough to have fallen in love with the most wonderful man. We have been together two years and living together for almost a year. I’m in my mid-30s; he’s in his mid-40s. We both have had plenty of experience in love — enough to know we’ve found the person to spend the rest of our lives with.

My best friend has been disparagin­g about my relationsh­ip. She says we’re happy because we’re still in the “honeymoon phase.” If I mention something he has done for me, she gets condescend­ing and says that this is “new love” and it will change.

She’s the same age I am and has been with her fiance for nine years. I have always been very supportive of their relationsh­ip. When I try to talk to her about something she has said or done that bothers me, she becomes aggressive. I don’t know how to approach this without an argument or losing our friendship. What should I do? — Proudly Lucky In Love Dear Proudly Lucky:

Could your friend be suffering from a touch of jealousy because you constantly extoll your boyfriend’s virtues? Her cynicism may have something to do with the fact that she and her fiance have been together for nine years with no marriage in sight.

If you can’t talk to her about sensitive issues without her becoming aggressive or you being afraid of losing the friendship, it doesn’t take a crystal ball to see the two of you are growing increasing­ly distant with the passage of time. I do think you should ask your friend why she reacts the way she does and tell her how it makes you feel. It may be the only way to save your friendship.

Dear Abby: At what age is it no longer appropriat­e for children to play naked while outside in their yard?

We are a childless couple in our 60s who live in a suburban neighborho­od. A new couple moved here with their children, a boy and a girl, who appear to be about 5 and 8 years old. Both of them often are naked while playing in their yard. This happens in all kinds of weather, not just when it’s extremely hot.

None of the neighborho­od yards are private. People can see them. We are not prudes, but this happens frequently, and it makes us uncomforta­ble. Is it time for us to move? — Averting My Eyes

Dear Averting: Five- and 8-year-old minors are too old to be naked in public. Pay a visit to your new neighbors and introduce yourself. Ask why the kids play outside with no clothes on. Gauge what you learn, and if you suspect neglect or abuse, report it to Child Protective Services.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or visit

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