Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Decaying of society


“Ask not what you can do for your country; ask what your country can do for you,” says every socialist who ever lived. It seems the communists on the left have taken the abiding words of President Kennedy and turned them upside down. The watchwords of these imbecilic Marxists are “Gimme, gimme, gimme, free, free, free!”

Witness all the looting and rioting that’s been taking place nightly for more than three months in numerous cities stretching from sea to shining sea. Before setting fire to businesses that the proprietor­s have worked very hard for likely many years to build, you see these wild-eyed lunatics rampaging gleefully down every aisle cramming armfuls of merchandis­e they steal into shopping carts they steal. Ah, this is the life. No job, no money, just pillage your way to the American Dream. What’s not to like?

Sadly, it’s all too possible this will be a nightly occurrence in Joe Biden’s America wherewith the absurdly stupid idea of defunding or abolishing the police, as some in the Democratic Party are advocating.

Question is: Where will these violent criminals go once they’ve plundered every establishm­ent in every burnedout Democrat-run city in America? I think we all know the answer.

If Joe Biden becomes president, America will indeed be a bleak place in which to live. Sleaze and rot will continue to permeate Democrat-controlled cities and states, and the strong pre-covid economy generated by our current president will have no chance of returning, and of course it will blamed on — you guessed it — Donald Trump.

And the decaying of our society will march unabashedl­y onward. RICHARD D. SANDERS


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