Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Coach misses chance for positive example


“Team” is important. I believe being a part of a team develops skills and attitudes that are useful throughout life. Being on a team teaches athletes to support others with their individual talents. My daughter was a part of a team as were both my sons. My grandchild­ren have participat­ed in team sports. My grandson, an avid baseball fan, wants to be on a baseball team in Northwest Arkansas. He called a few weeks ago excited he had made the team. He is 11 years old. I was excited for him and proud of him.

His dad called me later with news that was not so exciting for me. He told me of his concern that the coach was dropping the “F” bomb, using the “S” word and told the boys they were not going to play like “jackasses.” My son communicat­ed with the coach about the language and was informed “It’s just a habit.” He then invited my son and grandson to find another team. There was no indication he would watch his speech. He just said “I’ll understand if you want to find another team.”

I am 66 years old. In my teaching career I have coached high school baseball. I know a coach’s frustratio­n with players’ skills. I’ve been on the losing end of baseball games because one player lost focus and “booted” the baseball, threw wild or struck out. I have been in heated conversati­ons with players, other coaches and umpires. But one thing I have never experience­d until now is a coach dropping “F” bombs on 11 year olds.

Am I that out of touch? Does saying “It’s a habit” make base profane language acceptable? It is a habit, of this I am certain, but it is a bad habit. What seems to be the innocent bad habit of speech often spills over to become the destructiv­e habit of abusive behavior.

My wife and I raised our children to “make it to heaven.” Our children are raising their children with the same goal. This means we often have to make decisions that others are not faced with. Please don’t tell me we are to the place that my grandson can’t play baseball or he must look for a team where the coach doesn’t drop “F” bombs on 11 year olds.

One author has written correctly: “The measure of a man is not just how he raises his own kids, but how he raises all the kids in the village.” So here is a reminder for coaches who help raise the village kids: “But now you also, put them all aside … abusive speech from your mouth.” “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. (Colossians 3:8; James 3:9-10)

Hoping the village will help me raise my grandson so he can “make it to heaven” and while he’s growing up know the joy of being on a baseball team. TIM BASSING Lake City

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