Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Looking to the future


ROME — Pope Francis says the coronaviru­s pandemic has proven that the “magic theories” of market capitalism have failed and that the world needs a new type of politics that promotes dialogue and solidarity and rejects war at all costs.

Francis on Sunday laid out his vision for a post-covid world by uniting the core elements of his social teachings into a new encyclical aimed at inspiring a revived sense of the human family. “Fratelli Tutti” (Brothers All) was released on the feast day of his namesake, the peace-loving St. Francis of Assisi.

The document draws its inspiratio­n from the teachings of St. Francis and the pope’s previous preaching on the injustices of the global economy and its destructio­n of the planet and pairs them with his call for greater human solidarity to confront the “dark clouds over a closed world.”

In the encyclical, Francis rejected even the Catholic Church’s own doctrine justifying war as a means of legitimate defense, saying it had been too broadly applied over the centuries and was no longer viable.

“It is very difficult nowadays to invoke the rational criteria elaborated in earlier centuries to speak of the possibilit­y of a ‘just war,’” Francis wrote in the most controvers­ial new element of the encyclical.

Francis had started writing the encyclical, the third of his pontificat­e, before the coronaviru­s struck, and its bleak diagnosis of a human family falling apart goes far beyond the problems posed by the outbreak. He said the pandemic, however, had confirmed his belief that political and economic institutio­ns must be changed to address the legitimate needs of the people most harmed by the coronaviru­s.

“Aside from the differing ways that various countries responded to the crisis, their inability to work together became quite evident,” Francis wrote. “Anyone who thinks that the only lesson to be learned was the need to improve what we were already doing, or to refine existing systems and regulation­s, is denying reality.”

He cited the grave loss of millions of jobs as a result of the virus as evidence of the need for politician­s to listen to popular movements, unions and marginaliz­ed groups and to craft more just social and economic policies.

“The fragility of world systems in the face of the pandemic has demonstrat­ed that not everything can be resolved by market freedom,” he wrote. “It is imperative to have a proactive economic policy directed at ‘promoting an economy that favours productive diversity and business creativity’ and makes it possible for jobs to be created, and not cut.”

He denounced populist politics that seek to demonize and isolate, and called for a “culture of encounter” that promotes dialogue, solidarity and a sincere effort at working for the common good.

As an outgrowth of that, Francis rejected the concept of an absolute right to property for individual­s, stressing instead the “social purpose” and common good that must come from sharing the Earth’s resources. He repeated his criticism of the “perverse” global economic system, which he said consistent­ly keeps the poor on the margins while enriching the few — an argument he made most fully in his 2015 landmark environmen­tal encyclical “Laudato Sii” (Praised Be).

Francis also rejected “trickle-down” economic theory as he did in the first major mission statement of his papacy, the 2013 “Evangelii Gaudium,” (The Joy of the Gospel), saying it simply doesn’t achieve what it claims.

Francis’ English-language biographer, Austen Ivereigh, said with its two key predecesso­rs, the new encyclical amounts to the final part of a triptych of papal teachings and may well be the last of the pontificat­e.

“There is little doubt that these three documents … will be considered the teaching backbone of the Francis era,” Ivereigh wrote in Commonweal magazine.

Francis made clear the text had wide circulatio­n, printing the encyclical in the Vatican newspaper L’Osservator­e Romano and distributi­ng it free in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday to mark the resumption of printed editions following a hiatus during the covid-19 lockdown.

 ?? (AP/Gregorio Borgia) ?? Pope Francis delivers a blessing from his studio window overlookin­g St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican on Sunday during the Angelus noon prayer. The pope released an encyclical laying out his ideas for a post-pandemic world that promotes internatio­nal solidarity and rejects war.
(AP/Gregorio Borgia) Pope Francis delivers a blessing from his studio window overlookin­g St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican on Sunday during the Angelus noon prayer. The pope released an encyclical laying out his ideas for a post-pandemic world that promotes internatio­nal solidarity and rejects war.
 ?? (AP/Gregorio Borgia) ?? Copies of the Vatican newspaper L’Osservator­e Romano, with the front page detailing Pope Francis’ new encyclical, are distribute­d to the faithful Sunday in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican.
(AP/Gregorio Borgia) Copies of the Vatican newspaper L’Osservator­e Romano, with the front page detailing Pope Francis’ new encyclical, are distribute­d to the faithful Sunday in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican.

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