Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Board to consider no-confidence resolution targeting police chief


Members of the Little Rock Board of Directors on Tuesday are poised to weigh in on the leadership of Police Chief Keith Humphrey when they consider a no-confidence resolution sponsored by City Director Lance Hines.

If approved, the resolution has the potential to put Mayor Frank Scott Jr. in the position of defending his appointed police chief in the face of elected city leaders who no longer have faith in Humphrey. Approval of the measure also is likely to embolden the chief’s critics inside and outside the department.

However, the resolution is ultimately symbolic. The power to fire the police chief rests with Scott.

Scott tapped Humphrey in March 2019, shortly after Scott was inaugurate­d. Humphrey previously was the police chief in Norman, Okla.

This year, Humphrey has been sued by several police officials who claim the chief retaliated against them or their department­al allies because of testimony in the aftermath of the February 2019 fatal shooting of Bradley Blackshire by then-officer Charles Starks.

Over the summer, Humphrey was the subject of a no-confidence vote by the city’s largest police union, the Little Rock Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge No. 17, in which more than 83% of voting members approved the resolution.

And in September, police command staff members blasted Humphrey in a letter to the mayor and city directors that called Humphrey “a catastroph­ic problem” and claimed the chief was responsibl­e for creating a dysfunctio­nal environmen­t that risked the safety and welfare of Little Rock residents.

Now Humphrey’s supporters are pushing back in the lead-up to the Board of Directors’ referendum on the chief.


On Dec. 4, an attorney representi­ng Humphrey released an open letter of support for Humphrey that included the names of 101 people.

The letter attributed the backlash against Humphrey to entrenched interests seeking to defeat Humphrey’s agenda of police reform, an agenda that, the letter suggested, Little Rock voters “decisively” endorsed with the election of Scott in 2018.

Humphrey’s attorney, Michael Laux, who issued the letter of support, represents the chief in a countersui­t targeting many of Humphrey’s opponents.

The complaint, originally filed on Sept. 30 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas and later amended, alleges that a broad group of people — including Fraternal Order of Police members, subordinat­es in the department and others — engaged in a conspiracy to oust Humphrey from his job in violation of his rights.

Humphrey’s countersui­t as well as the letter of support issued by Laux make reference to a former Little Rock police chief, Lawrence Johnson.

Johnson, who like Humphrey is Black, stepped down in 2005 after close to five years in the position after criticism from the Fraternal Order of Police, The Associated Press reported at the time.

The letter of support drew a direct comparison between Johnson’s time as chief and Humphrey’s.

“History tells us we must speak out now, because the insidious smear campaign against Chief Humphrey too closely resembles the organized assault on the profession­al reputation of Chief Johnson,” the letter of support said. “Unverified, slanderous falsehoods about Chief Humphrey litter the internet, social media and other outlets. There is no legitimate purpose for these false attacks.”


One of the people who signed the letter, retired Pulaski County Circuit Judge Marion Humphrey, said the police chief “has been treated unfairly by the Fraternal Order of Police, by Director Hines and by others who have made very inflammato­ry statements about him, negative statements about him — in some instances, unsavory statements about him.”

“He’s an honorable man who has a distinguis­hed record in law enforcemen­t prior to coming to Little Rock, and there’s nothing that would cause him to change his character simply because he leaves Norman, Okla., and comes to Little Rock, Ark.,” Marion Humphrey said.

Marion Humphrey — no relation to the police chief — said the root of the backlash against Humphrey was the chief’s decision to terminate Starks after the Blackshire shooting, and said the Fraternal Order of Police has relentless­ly sought issues to raise against him.

He described the lawsuits against the chief as “frivolous.”

Other prominent residents whose names appear on the letter include Rep. Joy Springer, D-Little Rock; Pulaski County Justice of the Peace Judy Green; former Little Rock Mayor Lottie Shackelfor­d; and educator LeRon McAdoo, who ran for a seat on the city board this fall.

Dianne Curry, president of the Little Rock branch of the NAACP, signed the letter supporting the chief, and explained that the conflict playing out in the department “seems to be really racially motivated.”

In order to be fair, Curry said, someone who has been hired to do a job should be allowed to do their job “with the support of the people that hired him.”

In an emailed statement provided by Laux, Chief Humphrey said he was humbled by the support shown in the letter.

“Their kind words have been a source of comfort and strength for me,” Humphrey said in the statement. “They understand this fight is over meaningful police reform. We will get through this challenge together, and we will be stronger for it.”

While the Fraternal Order of Police oversaw the no-confidence vote on the chief among its members and criticized Humphrey for his remark that he saw “a segregated LRPD” during the George Floyd protests this summer in Little Rock, the Black Police Officers Associatio­n of Little Rock has backed Humphrey consistent­ly.

In addition to Hines, a few others on the 10-member city board have expressed concern about Humphrey’s leadership and the direction of the Police Department.

In September, the department’s three assistant chiefs and seven of 10 captains signed a letter to the mayor and city directors pleading for help with a dysfunctio­nal work environmen­t they attributed to Humphrey’s leadership.


In a phone interview Thursday, outgoing City Director Gene Fortson said he was not ready to say how he intends to vote on Hines’ resolution, “’cause I might vacillate,” Fortson said.

Fortson said it is slightly unusual for board members “to get involved in personnel decisions at that level, but maybe there’s enough public interest that the time has come to have a discussion on it.”

Fortson said he has received emails and phone calls regarding the reported conflicts in the Police Department that, “in the view of some people, may contribute to a rising crime rate.”

When asked about the mayor’s thoughts heading into the meeting this week, mayoral spokeswoma­n Stephanie Jackson referred back to Scott’s recent comments to the Arkansas DemocratGa­zette when Hines floated the resolution on the police chief in November.

“Nothing from Mayor Scott’s end has changed,” Jackson said Friday.

Although it remains unclear how many members of the Board of Directors will vote to approve the no-confidence resolution Tuesday, three months ago they saw a preview of how the mayor may respond to any renewed pressure to oust the police chief.

After police officials sent their letter urging city leaders to take action to resolve the alleged dysfunctio­n stemming from Humphrey’s leadership, Hines asked Scott directly to remove the police chief during a Sept. 15 board meeting.

The mayor’s reply was brief.

“I respectful­ly decline,” Scott said.

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