Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Consider caregivers


As a pastor, I advocate for the well-being of my parishione­rs, particular­ly those unable to defend themselves. In keeping up with the Joneses, a family in my church, I learned that many doctor’s offices have recently overlooked the role of the caregiver for patients with dementia, Alzheimer’s and other high-need conditions in the pandemic.

Numerous clinics, such as CARTI and Arkansas Cardiology, have instituted policies that prohibit caregivers from entering clinical situations with patients, asking them to stay in the car or the waiting room. The intent is to prevent the spread of covid, but the result is harm to the most vulnerable, as caregivers are barred from hearing doctor’s orders, offering informatio­n on the patient, and advocating for their health. We would never abide this policy applied to children; I do not see why at-risk adults are different.

To add further frustratio­n, these changes in policy are not communicat­ed prior to arrival in the office, and frequently not printed or posted online. The result is that caregivers are forced to decide at the door whether they dare leave their patient alone, or hope to reschedule. Calls to CARTI and other offices reveal an uneven applicatio­n of the rule — perhaps if a caregiver complains enough, or the patient is unwell enough, they might be “allowed” to accompany their loved one.

I am indignant with concern for caregivers too overwhelme­d to put up a fight. Surely our concern for the elderly, already so at risk, extends to allowing caregivers access to medical personnel and treatment? Caregivers should know to call ahead for the new policies, to self-advocate and remind staff that high-need patients require caregivers involved at all levels of care, even a “routine” office visit. Clinic administra­tors should consider a more refined approach to help those challenged by self-care. Encouragem­ent to the nurses and doctors caught in the middle!


Little Rock

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