Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Pete Buttigieg

Ex-Indiana mayor nominated as transporta­tion secretary

- (AP/Kevin Lamarque)

speaks Wednesday in Wilmington, Del., after President-elect Joe Biden (background) nominated him to be transporta­tion secretary. Biden said Buttigieg offers “a new voice with new ideas determined to move past old politics.”

WILMINGTON, Del. — President-elect Joe Biden introduced onetime Democratic primary rival Pete Buttigieg on Wednesday as his nominee for transporta­tion secretary, saying the 38-year-old can be “a new voice” in the fight against economic inequality, institutio­nal racism and climate change.

Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Ind., would be the first openly gay person confirmed by the Senate to a Cabinet position. Biden hailed that while saying, by the time he’s done filling out his new administra­tion’s top jobs, it will have more women and people of color than ever, including “a Cabinet that is opening doors and breaking down barriers, and accessing the full brains and talent we have so much of.”

Biden said Buttigieg offers “a new voice with new ideas determined to move past old politics.”

“We need someone who knows how to work with state, local and federal agencies,” Biden said noting that American highways are in disrepair and some bridges “are on the verge of collapse.”

Beyond standard transporta­tion fixes, which are easier to promise than they are for administra­tions to get through Congress, Biden wants to rejuvenate the post-coronaviru­s pandemic economy and create thousands of “green” jobs by making environmen­tally friendly retrofits and public works improvemen­ts.

The president-elect noted that much of the nation, including his home state of Delaware, face rising sea levels. A more immediate challenge, though, will be enforcing Biden’s promised mask-wearing mandate for airplanes and public transporta­tion systems to slow the spread of the coronaviru­s.

“At its best, transporta­tion makes the American dream possible, getting people and goods to where they need to be, directly and indirectly creating good-paying jobs,” Buttigieg said. “At its worst, misguided policies and missed opportunit­ies can reinforce racial, economic and environmen­tal injustice, dividing or isolating neighborho­ods, underminin­g government’s basic role to empower everyone to thrive.”

Buttigieg mentioned his affinity for trains while acknowledg­ing that he would be only the “second-biggest” Amtrak enthusiast in the administra­tion, given that Biden rode the rails for years between Washington and Wilmington, Del., while serving in the Senate.

Buttigieg also mentioned that he proposed to his husband, Chasten, at Chicago O’Hare Internatio­nal Airport.

Buttigieg was the only Cabinet choice, after Biden’s defense secretary nominee, retired Army Gen. Lloyd Austin, to appear at a solo announceme­nt ceremony rather than be introduced with other picks. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris joined via video conference from Washington because of a snowstorm.

Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, said Buttigieg was “more than ready to finally address our nation’s infrastruc­ture crisis.” Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., applauded Biden for tapping someone with “plenty of intellect, vision, and drive” to take a shot at modernizin­g America’s crumbling transporta­tion infrastruc­ture.

Others weren’t as thrilled. “I don’t know him at all,” Maine Sen. Susan Collins, a Republican in the closely divided Senate, told reporters in Washington. She instead brought up Rahm Emanuel, a former Chicago mayor and chief of staff to President Barack Obama. Emanuel was mentioned as a potential candidate for several Biden Cabinet posts but drew strong backlash from progressiv­es.

“I think Rahm Emanuel would have been a strong choice,” Collins said.

Buttigieg praised Harris for her “trailblazi­ng leadership and friendship,” and Harris used virtually the same language, calling Buttigieg a “trailblazi­ng leader.”

During the primary, Buttigieg was initially written off as the leader of a small town competing against far more establishe­d figures. But he zeroed in on a message of generation­al change to finish the first-in-thenation Iowa caucuses in a virtual tie with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Buttigieg’s campaign stumbled, however, in appealing to Black voters who play a critical role in Democratic politics. As the primary moved into more diverse states such as South Carolina, Buttigieg faltered and soon withdrew from the race. His relatively early backing of Biden ushered in a swift unificatio­n of the party around its ultimate nominee.

Biden’s selection of Buttigieg for transporta­tion secretary drew praise from lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgende­r rights groups.

“Its impact will reverberat­e well-beyond the department he will lead,” added Annise Parker, president and CEO of the LGBTQ Victory Institute.

But the South Bend chapter of Black Lives Matter denounced the nomination. The group had made its displeasur­e with Buttigieg known during his presidenti­al campaign, after the 2019 South Bend shooting of a Black man by a white police officer.

“We saw Black communitie­s have their houses torn down by his administra­tion,” the group’s South Bend leader Jorden Giger said in a statement, referring to Buttigieg’s effort to tear down substandar­d housing. “We saw the machinery of his police turned against Black people.”

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 ?? (AP/Kevin Lamarque) ?? President-elect Joe Biden announces former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg as his nominee for transporta­tion secretary Wednesday in a news conference in Wilmington, Del.
(AP/Kevin Lamarque) President-elect Joe Biden announces former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg as his nominee for transporta­tion secretary Wednesday in a news conference in Wilmington, Del.

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