Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Face-to-face instructio­n incentiviz­ed

Some criticize offer at UA as exploiting group’s low pay


FAYETTEVIL­LE — A $ 4,000 incentive to teach face-to-face introducto­ry English courses at the University of Arkansas has graduate teaching assistants and others saying it exploits a group vulnerable because of its low pay.

The offer from the university’s “central administra­tion” extends to teaching assistants and instructor­s beginning this spring. They would receive $4,000 per section of Comp I or Comp II, with the incentive made available for up to 20 course sections in total, according to a Tuesday email from William Quinn, chair of UA’s Department of English, distribute­d to instructor­s.

Top university leaders, including Chancellor Joe Steinmetz and UA trustees, have called for an increase in faceto-face instructio­n. Steinmetz has said it’s safe despite the ongoing pandemic. More than 2,800 cases of covid-19 have been tied to the UA campus, according to the state Department of Health.

Emma Van Dyke, 28, is a fourth-year student in the university’s master of fine arts program in creative writing and a graduate teaching assistant. She is also a disabled student with Crohn’s disease, a type of inflammato­ry bowel disorder thought to be caused in part by a malfunctio­ning immune system.

“I honestly thought about compromisi­ng my own health and safety for the opportunit­y to make this much money,” Van Dyke said.

Like other students in her program, she receives a $12,500 stipend over nine months. Several graduate students began a public advocacy effort over the summer seeking to boost stipend pay across department­s, citing higher pay offered at other large public universiti­es in discipline­s that include history and sociology, among others.

In an email sent Tuesday to Department of English faculty, several graduate students opposed to the incentive plan cited their low pay as teaching assistants.

“At the height of this global pandemic, during a time in which TAs at the U of A are suffering and going without enough food, the U of A is once again preying on its lowest-paid workers by incentiviz­ing TAs to accept unsafe and inadvisabl­e working conditions instead of distributi­ng relief monies fairly among all TAs,” the email states.

Mark Rushing, a UA spokesman, didn’t directly respond when asked if incentives are planned for other courses. He described the incentives as part of an effort to reduce the size of course sections to better enable physical distancing, considered a way to lower the spread of coronaviru­s.

“While our faculty and students have done an outstandin­g job adjusting to remote instructio­n during the pandemic, face-to-face instructio­n continues to be an important mode of learning,” Rushing said.

The university’s provost, Charles Robinson, has pledged support to college deans for the “creation of new, smaller sections of courses so that appropriat­e social distancing could be maintained,” Rushing said. He added, “Without this, some larger sections of courses could not be conducted in-person as appropriat­e social distancing would not be possible.”

Rushing said “some deans” responded by “requesting financial resources for instructor­s who volunteere­d” to teach the sections.

“Fulbright college specifical­ly requested this support in order to create more face- to- face English sections,” Rushing said. “This was never an effort intended to be viewed as mandatory, nor focused on placing graduate students as instructor­s in face-to-face classes. The offer was designed to support the colleges in meeting the diverse learning needs of students.”

Quinn’s email states the incentive “is a one-time opportunit­y to be funded by federal relief monies.” Rushing

didn’t respond when asked to specify the funding source.

Geoffrey Brock, a distinguis­hed professor of English, said graduate teaching assistants “have been underpaid pretty egregiousl­y for a long time.”

Brock said graduate teaching assistants in the Department of English carry a teaching load that’s equal to most full-time faculty, teaching two courses per semester. “Yet they’re not paid a living wage,” he said.

Faculty in UA’s Department of English worked Wednesday to draft a letter expressing disapprova­l of the incentive pay plan for instructor­s and teaching assistants, Brock said.

“It offers them a sort of Faustian bargain, having to either risk their health in order to get a living wage, or be food insecure and not risk their health. It’s a terrible choice to offer people, I think,” Brock said.

He called it a “bad idea” to offer more face- to- face classes this spring, given the current surge of covid-19 that’s straining hospitals in the region. Brock said he’s not aware of UA offering full-time English faculty any incentives to teach face-toface this spring.

“It seems like kind of a terrible time to be encouragin­g more face-to-face classes. If anything, they should be encouragin­g more remote teaching,” he said.

Brock said he’s a member of the UA- Fayettevil­le Education Associatio­n/Local 965, which pushes to boost the pay of graduate students. On Wednesday, the group released a public letter addressed to Steinmetz.

“We respectful­ly ask the university to change its goals: Use the money to help graduate students, period. They

shouldn’t have to risk their lives for it,” the letter states.

J.D. DiLoreto-Hill, president of UA’s Graduate-Profession­al Student Congress, said there’s external pressure on the campus to increase in-person instructio­n. The issue of grad student pay is being worked on, he said, calling it “woefully low.” He said the issue has “been worked on aggressive­ly throughout this semester by a campus-wide task force formed by Chancellor Steinmetz.”

A recommenda­tion on graduate student compensati­on is expected this spring, he said. Rushing said UA is “working very deliberate­ly to increase graduate assistant stipends.”

Van Dyke said she works two part-time jobs, as a technical writer and as a grader with UA’s Department of Engineerin­g. A boost of $4,000 would be a “life- changing opportunit­y to build some savings, pay off debt.”

But she said she quickly decided against pursuing the incentive dollars as doing so would amount to “risking my life.”

“This attitude of like, dangling this money in front of us when they don’t pay us a living wage in the first place, is I think deeply offensive and discrimina­tory,” Van Dyke said, calling the plan “ableist,” a term referring to unfair treatment or prejudice toward those with disabiliti­es.

Tessa Swehla, an English doctoral student and teaching assistant, said she views the incentive offer “as being rather predatory by the university.”

UA’s use of incentives to try to boost face-to-face teaching appears rare among colleges and universiti­es, said Chris Marsicano, founding director of the College

Crisis Initiative at Davidson College. The initiative tracks how colleges and universiti­es respond to the pandemic.

But conflict over teaching in person has developed on other campuses, including the University of Florida, where a push to offer more in-person courses this spring has graduate students bracing for what amounts to an “indirect” mandate to teach more in person, said Bobby Mermer, co-president of the

Graduate Assistants United group on the campus. Mermer said the University of Florida isn’t offering financial incentives to teach in-person courses.

In general, Marsicano said students “undeniably” want to take in- person courses, leading to opposing forces on college campuses.

“You have student demand for in person and faculty demand for online,” Marsicano said.

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