Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Vaccines: the next chapter

- DR. SARA “SALLY” H. GOZA Dr. Sara “Sally” H. Goza is the president of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Polio no longer stalks children in this country, but in the early 1950s, outbreaks caused more than 15,000 cases of paralysis each year. Until smallpox officially was declared eradicated around the globe in 1980, the devastatin­g disease wiped out about 3 of every 10 people who contracted it. Major epidemics of measles once caused an estimated 2.6 million deaths each year, but between 2000 and 2018, the world witnessed a 73% drop in measles deaths worldwide, the World Health Organizati­on estimates. There is one reason for all of this: vaccines. The CDC estimates that for children born in the U.S. from 1994 to 2013, vaccinatio­ns will prevent about 322 million illnesses, 21 million hospitaliz­ations, and 732,000 deaths over their lifetimes.

The new covid-19 vaccine provides hope. As a pediatrici­an, I believe in vaccines. I know vaccines save lives. That’s why we recommend all children and teens receive immunizati­ons to prevent diseases like measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis, polio, influenza, and HPV — saving them from serious illnesses and death. We look forward to when a covid-19 vaccine will be available to children of all ages, once the research is complete.

The covid-19 vaccine will only work if people agree to get their shot.

As the vaccine becomes more available, more physicians, of all specialtie­s, will need to have these important conversati­ons with their patients. We will have to explain that the science behind this vaccine is sound and followed a rigorous process.

We can share with patients that the vaccine is very effective; the 95% effectiven­ess demonstrat­ed by Pfizer’s vaccine rivals some of our most successful vaccines. And the side effects are also similar to other, well-known vaccines. These are mostly mild or moderate symptoms like a sore arm, fatigue or fever. But it’s far safer and better than getting the disease itself, which can cause severe complicati­ons and death even in otherwise healthy people.

We can reassure patients that we will continue to monitor the vaccine as it is rolled out across the country. The U.S. has a robust vaccine safety monitoring system that has enough power to detect any real problems.

We also know the vaccine will not miraculous­ly make covid-19 go away and protect everyone immediatel­y.

We can’t take our foot off the gas just yet. The end of the road is now, finally, in sight. How long it stretches out before us will depend on how well everyone in the U.S. manages the next few months. We must continue to avoid crowds, wear masks, wash our hands.

And, we now can add: Get the vaccine when it becomes available to you.

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