Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- HELOISE Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR HELOISE: Any update on covid and dogs? What should we know?

— Patricia M. in Maryland

DEAR READER: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (, the novel coronaviru­s, also known as covid-19, can spread from people to animals in some situations. Of these animals, the CDC reports they were only mildly sickened and recovered fully.

There is no proof the virus can transmit from the dog to a person. So, never extreme clean your dog — wiping the dog with antibacter­ial wipes or hand sanitizer could be dangerous.

Similar protocols (procedures) should be used: Keep dogs 6 feet away from others when walking; avoid large gatherings of people; keep cats inside when possible. Wash your hands frequently. One difference: Do not mask your dog or cat.

Check with your veterinari­an for the latest on covid and pets. The situation can change rapidly.

DEAR READERS: Shopping at the mall with a child in tow is a challenge. What are some safety hints? Let’s take a look:

▪ Kids should know their full name, address and phone number. If they are too young, place a note securely in a pocket of their garment.

▪ Never let a child go to the restroom by him- or herself, and don’t leave a child alone while you go.

▪ If you get separated, have a meeting place. Make sure everyone knows and understand­s where it is.

▪ Instill in the child this: The escalator is not a play ride. Check the child for untied shoes, hoodie strings, scarves, frayed jeans, etc., that could get caught in the teeth of those mechanical steps. Get on, hold the handrail, wait quietly to ascend or descend, and carefully step off.

▪ Teach the child to look for a uniformed police officer or someone working at a store behind the counter. These people can help if they get lost.

DEAR HELOISE: In the dry winter air, I “dry brush” my skin about once a week. I use a natural hair bristle brush and use short, upward, gentle strokes on my arms and legs. Then into the shower I go.

This can help with circulatio­n and removing dead, flaky skin.

— Marta W. in Florida

DEAR READER: Once a week should be plenty for dry brushing; check with your doctor.

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