Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Argentine Senate to vote on elective abortion bill


After years of debate, the Argentine Senate is set to vote on legislatio­n that would make the predominan­tly Roman Catholic country the largest in Latin America to legalize elective abortion.

Argentina’s House of Deputies approved the bill championed by President Alberto Fernandez this month by a comfortabl­e margin. The vote is expected to be closer in the Senate.

If the result is a tie, Vice President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, a former president who supported similar legislatio­n in 2018, will cast the deciding vote.

Elective abortion is legal in Cuba, Uruguay, Guyana and parts of Mexico. In Argentina, as in much of the region, abortion is permitted only in the case of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.

The legislatio­n would allow elective abortion in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. It’s the ninth bill in the past 15 years to address the country’s abortion laws; it’s seen as having the best chance to legalize the procedure.

The 2018 proposal passed the House but failed in the Senate. Then-President Mauricio Macri, a conservati­ve, said he opposed abortion but would sign the legislatio­n if it prevailed.

This time, the country has a new leader — and he’s spearheadi­ng the effort. Fernandez made legalizati­on a key campaign promise. He described it as a matter of public health.

“The debate is not saying yes or no to abortion,” he said in November. “The dilemma that we must overcome is whether abortions are performed clandestin­ely or in the Argentine health system.”

The bill has drawn opposition from another prominent Argentine.

Pope Francis described abortion as a question of “human ethics.”

“Is it fair to eliminate a human life to solve a problem?” he asked in a letter to supporters made public last month.

The vote has deepened long- standing divisions in a country with both a huge Catholic presence and a burgeoning feminist movement.

Viviana Canosa, a journalist and antiaborti­on activist, joined fellow opponents in the streets Monday, the Catholic Feast of the Holy Innocents, to oppose the legislatio­n.

“We hope the senators will vote with their hearts, with conviction, and in favor of the motherland,” she said in a video shared on her Twitter account.

Other religious believers had a different perspectiv­e.

“Jesus would never have condemned a woman for getting an abortion. For terminatin­g a pregnancy,” said Marta Alanis, founder of Catholics for the Right to Decide. “He was always against condemning women.”

Feminist groups say the legislatio­n was about safety and equality.

“Senators should never play politics with the lives of women and girls in Argentina,” Paula Avila-Guillen, executive director of the Women’s Equality Center, said in a statement. “It’s no secret that our backwards and outdated abortion laws are not deterrents, in fact they exacerbate the problem by leading to unsafe clandestin­e abortions that threaten the health and lives of the most vulnerable women and girls.”

Health Minister Gines Gonzalez Garcia said in November that more than 3,000 women have died in Argentina since the early 1980s as a result of undergroun­d abortions.

Activists on both sides plan to demonstrat­e in cities across the country ahead of the vote.

Even if the bill passes the Senate, Alanis said, opponents “will make every effort to prevent” women from getting abortions.

“A woman deciding to get an abortion is the thing conservati­ves can’t tolerate.”

 ?? (AP/Natacha Pisarenko) ?? Anti-abortion activists (left photo) pray and abortion-rights activists rally Tuesday outside Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as lawmakers debate a bill on legalizing elective abortions.
(AP/Natacha Pisarenko) Anti-abortion activists (left photo) pray and abortion-rights activists rally Tuesday outside Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as lawmakers debate a bill on legalizing elective abortions.
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