Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Profiles in courage


On Jan. 6, we were all transfixed by the Trumplican attack on our democracy. Gratefully, his dream of becoming president for life was thwarted. But that isn’t what this letter is about.

Watching videos of the House, I was impressed by the courage and valor of Arizona’s Democratic representa­tive and U.S. Marine Ruben Gallego. Upon attack he immediatel­y set his Marine Corps training and great courage into action.

I searched the videos for my representa­tive, Army Col. Steve Womack. Checking Twitter, I found him. While Representa­tive Gallego was saving lives upstairs, he was already down in the basement cowering.

But don’t give up on the colonel. Six days later he found a battle equal to his stature. He joined several Republican representa­tives in pushing, haranguing and defying U.S. Capitol Police who had just lost one of their own saving his sorry … well, you know. He wound up melting down and claiming he was “restrained.”

Why was Steve slamming these men? What happened to “Law and Order” and “Blue Lives Matter”? What horrendous assault did these police officers make on Steve? They were directed by their boss that all personnel going into the House Chambers were to pass through a metal detector. Seems the FBI is concerned that infiltrato­rs for the traitors that attacked the Capitol are among House representa­tives. That is totally reasonable and I am quite sure the FBI knows more about the need for the safety measure.

Rather than assaulting officers just trying to do their job, perhaps Steve should have followed directions, then contacted the police chief. Attacking and defying police officers is never right. Especially six days after one of their number has been murdered protecting you.

Steve, my grandfathe­r taught me something you might gain from. Though it won’t cure your courage problem, it just might save you more embarrassm­ent: “Choose your battles well.”

BUDDY BOYD Eureka Springs

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