Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Biden begins, inks 17 executive orders

Pandemic measures, backing WHO, rejoining climate pact at top of his list


— President Joe Biden signed a blizzard of executive orders Wednesday on the coronaviru­s, immigratio­n and climate change — opening a 10-day cascade of directives reversing the policies of his GOP predecesso­r as Democrats pushed for even more sweeping and prompt legislativ­e action.

The most pressing of his priorities are measures to combat the ongoing deadly coronaviru­s pandemic. Biden signed executive actions to require masks on all federal grounds, and asked agencies to extend moratorium­s on evictions and on federal student loan payments.

He urged Americans to wear face coverings while reviving a global health unit in the National Security Council — allowed to go dormant during former President Donald Trump’s administra­tion — to oversee pandemic preparedne­ss and response.

Consistent­ly masking up is a practice that science has shown to be effective in preventing the spread of the coronaviru­s, particular­ly when social distancing is

difficult to maintain.

Biden is challengin­g all Americans to wear masks for the first 100 days of his ad- ministrati­on. That’s a critical period, since communitie­s still will be vulnerable to the virus even as the pace of vaccinatio­n increases in pursuit of Biden’s goal of 100 million shots in 100 days.

Biden also began to reverse several steps taken by former Trump by embracing the World Health Organizati­on, revoking the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline and rejoining the Paris climate agreement.

Biden said Wednesday that he wants to move quickly to address the country’s big, urgent problems with a spirit of unity and national purpose. The pandemic has killed 400,000 Americans, the economy has shed millions of jobs and just two weeks ago thousands of rioters stormed the Capitol in an attempt to overturn the results of the Nov. 3 election, which Biden won by 7 million votes.

In his first appearance from the Oval Office, Biden said his administra­tive actions were “all starting points” as he signed a sampling of the executive orders.

“I think some of the things we’re going to be doing are going to be bold and vital,” he said in brief remarks. “And there’s no time to start like today.”

The freshly inaugurate­d president’s rush to roll back some of Trump’s most controvers­ial policies reflected the years of pent-up frustratio­n among Democrats that they had been largely powerless to stop an administra­tion that espoused policies they vehemently opposed.

Acting expeditiou­sly, Democrats said, was particular­ly vital as the nation continues to battle a once-in-a-century pandemic that continues to kill thousands of Americans a day and batters the fragile economy.

“We’ll press forward with speed and urgency, for we have much to do in this winter of peril and possibilit­y,” Biden said in his inaugural address. “Few periods in our nation’s history have been more challengin­g or difficult than the one we’re in now.”

But the new White House, as well as its Democratic allies on Capitol Hill, are keenly aware that expansive policy changes they want to implement in the first months of Biden’s presidency will require the assent of Congress, and almost certainly the support of some Republican­s, particular­ly in the Senate.

Some of his actions drew swift criticism from GOP lawmakers who had largely endorsed the policies of Trump.

“President Trump created the best economy in the world by limiting bureaucrat­ic regulation­s and President Biden should seek to build on this success instead of diminishin­g it,” said Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., the ranking Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. “Government does not know best, the American people do.”

Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming, the No. 3 Senate Republican, stressed that Biden’s inaugural address was one of “unity and it’s important to govern that way as well.”


Most of the 17 directives that Biden signed Wednesday had been signaled previously by Biden or staff members. Taken together with the two legislativ­e plans he has sent to Congress — coronaviru­s relief and an immigratio­n overhaul — the orders highlight Biden’s immediate priorities, while sending a message that his administra­tion plans to reengage on the global stage.

Jen Psaki, the new White House press secretary, noted that the 15 executive actions and two additional agency directives were far more than the two orders Trump signed on his first day four years ago.

GOP lawmakers were particular­ly critical of the Biden administra­tion’s decision to roll back key energy and climate regulation­s of his predecesso­r, arguing that doing so would ultimately cost jobs.

Biden’s “policies from Day One hurt American workers and our economy,” said Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va. Pointing to the Biden administra­tion’s climate actions, she continued: “This virtue signaling comes at the expense of low-income and rural families that rely upon industries opposed by liberal environmen­tal groups.”

Biden’s coronaviru­s legislatio­n is already facing stiff challenges in Congress, as Democrats hold only narrow majorities in both chambers and Republican support is still needed to pass most bills in the Senate. The White House nonetheles­s hopes to court a smaller circle of influentia­l GOP lawmakers, particular­ly senators, and had reached out to key Republican­s such as Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska to get their input on their virus aid plan.

“It’s going to require, I think, a fair amount of debate and considerat­ion,” Murkowski said Wednesday. “But he’s made it clear that this is his initial priority. I don’t disagree with that.”

Biden White House officials have emphasized the need for Congress to approve his larger relief package, which would extend unemployme­nt benefits; dole out an additional $1,400 in stimulus payments for millions of Americans; and devote tens of billions of dollars to economic needs such as rental, housing and food assistance, among other measures.

But acting Wednesday on his own, Biden asked the Education Department to consider extending a freeze on payments for federal student loans until Sept. 30.

Borrowers, who owe a collective $1.5 trillion, would not be required to make payments on their federal student loans, their loans would not accrue any interest, and all debt collection activity would halt through September.

Congress paused student debt payments last March as part of a virus relief package, and the Trump administra­tion extended it twice.

Biden is also requesting that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention extend a moratorium on evictions that expires after this month to at least through March.

He also asked three key agencies — the department­s of Veterans Affairs, Agricultur­e, and Housing and Urban Developmen­t — to extend foreclosur­e moratorium­s for federally backed mortgages under their purview through at least the end of March.

“These are emergency measures that will help to make sure that no American is put in the place of having to make the decision to pay their student loan payment or put food on the table in the short term and will help to provide some near-term relief,” said Brian Deese, the new director of the White House National Economic Council.


On immigratio­n, Biden signed an order repealing the ban on travel from several majority-Muslim nations.

Trump in January 2017 banned foreigners from seven mostly Muslim countries from entry into the country. After a lengthy court fight, a watered-down version of the rule was upheld by the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision in 2018.

The new administra­tion says it will improve the screening of visitors by strengthen­ing informatio­n sharing with foreign government­s and other measures.

Biden also reversed a Trump plan to exclude people in the country illegally from being counted in the 2020 census. The once-a-decade census is used to determine how many congressio­nal seats and Electoral College votes each state gets, as well as the distributi­on of $1.5 trillion in federal spending each year.

Biden’s team says the new administra­tion will ensure that the Census Bureau has time to complete an accurate count for each state and that the apportionm­ent is “fair and accurate.”

Another action called on the Department of Homeland Security to continue an Obama-era initiative to prevent those protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program from deportatio­n and issuing them work permits as long as they qualified under the requiremen­ts laid out when the program began in 2012.

Trump ordered an end to the program in 2017, triggering a legal challenge that ended in June when the Supreme Court ruled that it should be kept in place because the Trump administra­tion failed to follow federal rule-making guidelines in undoing it. But the program is still facing legal challenges.

Biden also will end the national emergency over the border that Trump declared as a way to circumvent Congress when lawmakers would not grant him funding for his wall. He also is halting constructi­on to review contracts and how wall money might be redirected.

On climate change, Biden signed an order revoking the permit, issued by the Trump administra­tion, that allowed for the constructi­on of the Keystone XL pipeline and to rejoin the Paris climate accord. The United States will officially be part of the 189-country climate agreement in 30 days.

On racial equity issues, Biden rescinded the “1776 Commission” establishe­d by the Trump administra­tion, which the outgoing president framed last year as a “pro-American curriculum that celebrates the truth” about U.S. history but that the incoming administra­tion says tries to erase the racial scars of America’s past.

Biden plans to continue rolling out executive orders in coming days. According to guidance shared with Capitol Hill, he plans to issue administra­tive actions relating to the coronaviru­s today and economic relief on Friday. A “Buy American” action will come Monday, and an order addressing racial equity issues will follow Tuesday.

He will announce actions on climate change Jan. 27, health care Jan. 28, immigratio­n Jan. 29, and internatio­nal affairs and national security Feb. 1.

Upcoming executive actions will revoke the ban on transgende­r people from serving in the military, as well as reversing the so-called global gag rule that blocks U.S. aid to organizati­ons abroad that perform abortions or offer counseling on the procedure, Psaki said.

Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Min Kim and Jeff Stein of The Washington Post; and by Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, Ellen Knickmeyer, Ben Fox, Elliot Spagat, Matt Lee and Josh Boak of The Associated Press.

 ?? (AP/Evan Vucci) ?? President Joe Biden signs his first executive orders Wednesday in the Oval Office of the White House. “I think some of the things we’re going to be doing are going to be bold and vital,” he said in brief remarks during the appearance. “And there’s no time to start like today.”
(AP/Evan Vucci) President Joe Biden signs his first executive orders Wednesday in the Oval Office of the White House. “I think some of the things we’re going to be doing are going to be bold and vital,” he said in brief remarks during the appearance. “And there’s no time to start like today.”
 ?? (AP/Evan Vucci) ?? New White House press secretary Jen Psaki holds her first news conference Wednesday at the White House.
(AP/Evan Vucci) New White House press secretary Jen Psaki holds her first news conference Wednesday at the White House.

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