Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Improve your health with house plants


There are some easy, inexpensiv­e ways to enjoy the majesty of natural landscapes indoors. Not only can houseplant­s be used to improve indoor spaces, they also provide various health benefits.

Help with allergies

According to WebMD, rooms with houseplant­s tend to have less dust and mold in them than those without any foliage. Leaves and other parts of the plants serve as natural filters, catching airborne particles and allergens. Plants with textured leaves might be especially effective at trapping particles. They may even help filter out VOCs like benzene, acetone and formaldehy­de, which can enter indoor air via cleaning supplies, dry-cleaned clothes, furniture, printers, and paints.

Put more oxygen into the air

The human respirator­y system works by bringing in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. Plants do the opposite during photosynth­esis. They absorb carbon dioxide and then release oxygen. Plants can put much more oxygen into the air, improving indoor conditions.

Increase indoor humidity and reduce illness

Indoor plants can increase humidity in indoor spaces, which decreases the incidences of sore throats, dry coughs, dry skin, and the common cold. Higher absolute humidity can decrease the chances of survival and transmissi­on of the flu virus.

Improve your mood

Growing and caring for plants can alleviate everyday stress. Greenery can help people feel more at home and improve mental health. A rehab center in Norway found patients reported a greater increase in well-being four weeks after having greenery added to their surroundin­gs.

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